How Mass Effect 2 and Fallout 3 make me rage like a Heroin piggy.

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Edited By Aerozeppelin27

First off, i've played Mass Effect 2 for 84 hours and S-Ranked it, and around 250 for Fallout 3 (Also S-Ranked, Yeah, Whassup ladies, my life is brimmin') ANYWAY.
There are things that kinca bother me about both games.
First off Mass Effect 2.
The game bothers* me as almost every mission leads to a gunfight in a cover filled room, does this not kinda get old for anyone else? i mean, the gameplay is fun, and the game is great, but would it not have been nice to have some main missions that didnt just have you blasting through many enemies, i mean, Thane and Samaras missions are basically the only ones to break this formula, and they are some of the best missions in the game, im not saying add super amounts of these missions, but i few more than 3 or 4 would have been nice

AND, Fallout 3, on Very Hard, all immersion dies, when you realize head shots aren't auto kills for humans, it makes me rage like hell to have a raider with a titanium skull, and me with a crippled girly skull made of bone.
Am i completely insane bastard or do these things wear on the nerves of my fellow lifeless (Or life-full? people, dont rage at me, im young) gamers after oh so many hours within the game?
If you read this, do sound off your opinion, death threats are fine too.
[Edit: i should probably note that i still play both games like a motherbitch and they in no way ruin the experience of the game]

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#1  Edited By Aerozeppelin27

First off, i've played Mass Effect 2 for 84 hours and S-Ranked it, and around 250 for Fallout 3 (Also S-Ranked, Yeah, Whassup ladies, my life is brimmin') ANYWAY.
There are things that kinca bother me about both games.
First off Mass Effect 2.
The game bothers* me as almost every mission leads to a gunfight in a cover filled room, does this not kinda get old for anyone else? i mean, the gameplay is fun, and the game is great, but would it not have been nice to have some main missions that didnt just have you blasting through many enemies, i mean, Thane and Samaras missions are basically the only ones to break this formula, and they are some of the best missions in the game, im not saying add super amounts of these missions, but i few more than 3 or 4 would have been nice

AND, Fallout 3, on Very Hard, all immersion dies, when you realize head shots aren't auto kills for humans, it makes me rage like hell to have a raider with a titanium skull, and me with a crippled girly skull made of bone.
Am i completely insane bastard or do these things wear on the nerves of my fellow lifeless (Or life-full? people, dont rage at me, im young) gamers after oh so many hours within the game?
If you read this, do sound off your opinion, death threats are fine too.
[Edit: i should probably note that i still play both games like a motherbitch and they in no way ruin the experience of the game]

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#2  Edited By Pie

Games have to be games

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#3  Edited By Aerozeppelin27
@Pie:  I completely agree, these are basically the only issues i have with each game.
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#4  Edited By HonoredSamurai

rage rage rage, lol, jk.  Headshots should off ppl no questions asked. Unless they are wearing helmets. Or don't use a brain for life support i.e. robot that does not have a brain or require it per se.

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#5  Edited By Aerozeppelin27
@HonoredSamurai:  Yeah man, well, except Robo Brains, they kinda revolve around that giant brain that is there head, but, yeah, that's basically what i was getting at, hah.
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#6  Edited By Pie
@HonoredSamurai: @Aerozeppelin27: But what would make very hard mode very hard?
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#7  Edited By Aerozeppelin27
@Pie:  Well, headshots would only apply to humans. other creatures less so. and, dont even get me started on those albino Rad scorpions, they are like bomb shelters and your like a midget throwing a pebble at it hoping to knock it down.
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#8  Edited By Beechbone

You know, most games rely on repetition more or less. It's developer's job to make things interesting even after a thousand similar fights. I guess you wouldn't play 84 hours of this if it wasn't simply fun thing to do. Go and play Painkiller, it seems endless :D And as for F3, I completed it in something around 30+ hours because I honeslty think it was boooooring. Yeah, I'm one of those guys who keep whining and bitching and crying that it's a glorified "Oblivion with guns". So my own rage with this game was of other nature.

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#9  Edited By Aerozeppelin27
@Beechbone:  Hrmm, i agree on the Mass Effect 2 thing, though, im sick of gunfights, but i still i love the game, i just want something different to do.
And, im not even going to start on Oblivion with guns, but know this, i want to slap you with a dead cat. sure, ill admitt that the gameplay is similar, BUT, thats all.
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#10  Edited By Beechbone
@Aerozeppelin27:  Slap you with a dead cat - that was beautiful :D
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#11  Edited By Aerozeppelin27
@Beechbone:  I try, i try, and anyway, Fallout 3 is pure awesome, solely because it has Liam Neeson, that man is one cool muchacho.
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#12  Edited By Ratcabbage

@Aerozeppelin27 said:

"First off Mass Effect 2. The game shits me as everything leads to a gunfight in a cover filled room, does this not kinda get old for anyone else? "

Are you asking if a game that features a cover-based shooting mechanic gets old because all the rooms are filled with places to take cover?

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#13  Edited By Beechbone
@Aerozeppelin27:  I mean, yeah Liam is awesome, after all he's the guy who released the Kraken ;) Well, F3 has some distinctive production values, but maybe I'm complaining cause I'm just too much in love with the whole Black Isle stuff. Absolutely looking forward to "New Vegas". Oh, and just for the record, I finished Oblivion after year and a half of playing it, and release of Shivering Isles destroyed my perfect 1000 score. That's what lights up my rage ;)
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#14  Edited By Aerozeppelin27
@Ratcabbage:  No, im asking if anyone else eventually gets tired of basically every mission having the same setup, and ill admit, i am bias, as i still cant accept that the game is a third person shooter with RPG elements, but it would have been nice to have more ways around a battle though, like talk your way out of it, or stealth, or something, obviously that doesn't apply to all battles (Such as anything with Geth or Vorcha, but maybe stuff with Mercs) 
i dunno, i probably could have written that much better, but im tired, and lazy. ;D
[Edit: Fixed Spelling Errors.]
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I don't know what the other option is for Mass Effect than cover based third person shooting.  There's stand in front of each other until the other guy falls down third person shooting?  I don't want BioWare trying to do a jumping puzzle or anything like that.  And considering that the 'mini-game' aspects (planet scanning, code breaking, door bypassing) are the most criticized, I can't see you preferring that.

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#16  Edited By Aerozeppelin27
@Beechbone:  Ah yes, Liam and his kraken, indeed, i have to finish the Mages Guild and Fighters guild to get all achievements, i got all the shivering isles ones, they were quite easy, and fun.
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#17  Edited By Aerozeppelin27
@Brodehouse:  Thats not what i ment, im going to edit the post to make it much more clear, its the mission setup that bothers me, not the gameplay itself, i just got annoyed that every single mission lead to a gunfight. there are some exceptions, and they are some of the best missions in the game from my point of view [Thane and Samara's loyalty missions, and half of kasumis] all im saying is that i would have preferred more missions that didnt just involve having a big gunfight. and even that doesnt really get to be annoying until the third or fourth playthrough, and its not like its huge, it just annoys me a little, it doesn't subtract from the game at all.
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#18  Edited By MajorToms

Yeah, I would say that Mass Effect 2 relies too heavily on cover. Especially on the Insanity difficulty. It does make sense since sheppard is merely a human and not some super mutated dude with anamantium bones.. so he is a little squishy, but even on hard he is too squishy I found. Insanity is more squishy. The only way he can really survive most situations is locked down behind cover. It's a tried and test gameplay mechanic that a lot of the less creative devs are relying on lately. I would say that it's great that the cover works much better in ME2 versus ME1 because you need it a lot more, but it would be better if I didn't need it for every fight I encountered. It would be stellar if I wasn't pinned behind a crate all the time.
As for Fallout 3, well I feel your pain with the headshots. I don't get how they figure that makes sense lol. Most people train to aim for the face, but now it doesn't matter? It's a hard ballance, but I personally I wouldn't give headshots a pass when changing the damage multipliers. I would probably give headshot like a 88-92% success rate on the hardest difficulty versus the 97-100% success rate of a normal mode (because some people have survived bullets and knifes to the head somehow IRL .) My reasoning behind this really. I would say that most people wouldn't have the pain tolerance alone to knowledably move after beind struck in the head so they would either fall over run into a frenzy. The 97% would just fall over, but the other 3% would litterally go nuts.

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#19  Edited By Aerozeppelin27
@MajorToms:  Argh, dude, you hit the nail on the head man, Kudos.
I completely agree. though, i played through ME2 as an infiltrator on Insanity, aside from the suicide mission, it wasnt as hard as i expected, cloaking was VERY helpful though, though, Shep-dog is like jelly, if you take maybe two hits on insanity, i swear your near death. i basically cloaked, fire, cover, recharge, cloak, fire, cover- repeat through the whole game, except for those bastard praetorians. they were the bane of my very existance.
As for Fallout 3, head shots are basically fine on normal and whatnot, and i get that it is supposed to be a more RPG styled health system, i just wished you could pull of a satisfying one hit head shot, cause you know, i love watching raiders heads explode in V.A.T.S.