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@bisonhero: What, you don't have any love for "I got gravy in my mouth" Alyssa? She was the best.

Shame she got fucking waxed in that tornado though.

The voice acting was surprisingly wooden at times though. I too wondered about that. It reminded me a bit of the Metal Gear Solid Digital Graphic Novel. When they first made them, they only recorded the MGS2DGN in English. But a few years ago they recorded the MGS1DGN in English and whoooooooooa it's the fucking worst. Every single line of dialog is awful and every voice is terrible. It's like the voice director took the day off and none of the voice actors knew if it was good enough or not.

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@n7: In my mind, it is canon that Alyssa had her wisdom teeth removed about a day before the game begins.

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@n7: Maybe in your story. I saved her in mine and then she actually saved me from a falling sign. Then the tornado technically never even happened. lol

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#104  Edited By Mcfart

Just finished LiS. It has tons of problems:

-Shit gameplay

-No emotional expressions, and creepy faces

-Bad/cheesy dialogue at times

-Cheesy high school drama

-Suspected main villain in episode 1

-Lots of 1-dimentional characters

-Also (END SPOILERS) Jefferson sounds exactly like the janitor (Samuel) when he's in 'crazy-mode', and it really annoys me. Voice actor probably didn't notice he was sounding too similer to another character he voiced...

HOWEVER! Despite all this, I ended up loving LiS. Yeah, after Ep1 I was still 'enduring' because I heard it would get better, but Episodes 2-5 knocked it out of the park. The 2 protagonists became really fleshed out, awesome characters. Also I ended up really liking David. LiS did a fantastic job at showing David's problems with adapting back to normal society. It's a problem that's rarely highlighted in real life, so it was awesome to see that portrayed in a videogame.

Episode 4 spoiler (since Vinny/Austin are on it):

I don't have a premium sub, but the Alternate reality of Ep4 was still awesome imo, despite it relying on a classic 'time travel butterfly effect' trope. I was already a huge fan of Chloe by that point, so....

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#105  Edited By big_denim

I'm okay with cheesey dialogue if it's intentional, but this game comes off likes it's trying too hard. The writing is just so bad. I cringed anytime I heard a "hella" or "go fuck your selfie." The story was an interesting concept that unfortunately had dialogue that caused me to cringe one too many times.

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I really like watching the Beast crew play through it, but on my own I would never play this game. I love adventure games, visual novels, and other story-based games, but the dialogue in this is real rough to me in too many places, and the puzzles don't look particularly fun or entertaining. The Max/Chloe relationship is really well-done though, so I really like seeing that, and I'm intrigued by the main story, even if it does kind of feel unimportant compared to Max and Chloe's personal interactions.

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It easily made my Top-10 list this year, and that is all that matters to me. Sure seems like Alex, Vinny and Austin are having fun with it.....sort of tells you something when they all want to return to this game.

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#108  Edited By Catlicker

I feel it was a bit unfair nobody had finished this game by the GOTY awards, I guess that's what you get for not giving it a chance until the very end of the year.

Reading how the ending goes is not the same as playing it for yourself, it all relies on execution, and I feel the guys managed it pretty well by the standards of the industry.

At least we get to see their reaction as they finish it.

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#109  Edited By SchrodngrsFalco

@mcfart said:

Just finished LiS. It has tons of problems:

-Shit gameplay

-No emotional expressions, and creepy faces

-Bad/cheesy dialogue at times

-Cheesy high school drama

-Suspected main villain in episode 1

-Lots of 1-dimentional characters

-Also (END SPOILERS) Jefferson sounds exactly like the janitor (Samuel) when he's in 'crazy-mode', and it really annoys me. Voice actor probably didn't notice he was sounding too similer to another character he voiced...

HOWEVER! Despite all this, I ended up loving LiS. Yeah, after Ep1 I was still 'enduring' because I heard it would get better, but Episodes 2-5 knocked it out of the park. The 2 protagonists became really fleshed out, awesome characters. Also I ended up really liking David. LiS did a fantastic job at showing David's problems with adapting back to normal society. It's a problem that's rarely highlighted in real life, so it was awesome to see that portrayed in a videogame.

Episode 4 spoiler (since Vinny/Austin are on it):

I don't have a premium sub, but the Alternate reality of Ep4 was still awesome imo, despite it relying on a classic 'time travel butterfly effect' trope. I was already a huge fan of Chloe by that point, so....

The gameplay is hardly a draw though? I disagree with the expressions, I felt like there was another there to get the point across. Cheesy dialogue sometimes for sure. FOR SURE. But cheesy high school drama? Like, kidnap, murder and suicide? So cheesy. The surrounding drama is cheesy but ya know, that's exactly how high school drama is: stupid. What did you have to go on suspecting him? You can't blame the game for a blind guess. I agree with the characters being pretty one dimensional. It would have been nice for everyone to be more Chloe-like but hey, they're supporting cast. And the voice directing really could have been done better, yes.

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I'm not really into these types of games I rather see Dontnod Entertainment make a sequel to Remember Me I think the series has potential even though the first game had it flaws it had a great setting.

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I just waited until all episodes were released before buying it so I could play the whole thing in one sitting. And yes, I absolutely loved the game. There are flaws, sure, but those were very minor to me. I mean, when you really think about it in the end your choices really don't matter but the illusion of real choice is pretty well done. The ending was a little disappointing but in all honesty I saw it coming from a mile away so I wasn't too let down by it. In fact, despite the slight disappointment I felt I also really liked the emotional impact of the final choice I made.

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#112  Edited By spookytapes

I just played all 5 episodes of this in the last week or so and overall I really enjoyed it despite some atrocious dialogue and a couple of situations that were frustratingly designed, including the rooftop scene, where I thought things were going great, but then i accidentally named the wrong person who cares about her and off she goes, with no rewind. dang. I also thought that the game was at it's strongest in Episodes 2 and 3. The alternate realities got old fast and Episode 5 is just bizarre. I want a slightly more refined version of this with better writing.

That all said, I really enjoyed my time with this and if they do a Season 2, I'd definitely buy it.

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It's a fantastic game that me and my wife enjoyed together.

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I only have episode one and haven't had the desire to buy the remaining episodes, so, to answer your question, no, I did not like it.

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@mcfart said:

Just finished LiS. It has tons of problems:

-Shit gameplay

-No emotional expressions, and creepy faces

-Bad/cheesy dialogue at times

-Cheesy high school drama

-Suspected main villain in episode 1

-Lots of 1-dimentional characters

-Also (END SPOILERS) Jefferson sounds exactly like the janitor (Samuel) when he's in 'crazy-mode', and it really annoys me. Voice actor probably didn't notice he was sounding too similer to another character he voiced...

HOWEVER! Despite all this, I ended up loving LiS. Yeah, after Ep1 I was still 'enduring' because I heard it would get better, but Episodes 2-5 knocked it out of the park. The 2 protagonists became really fleshed out, awesome characters. Also I ended up really liking David. LiS did a fantastic job at showing David's problems with adapting back to normal society. It's a problem that's rarely highlighted in real life, so it was awesome to see that portrayed in a videogame.

Episode 4 spoiler (since Vinny/Austin are on it):

I don't have a premium sub, but the Alternate reality of Ep4 was still awesome imo, despite it relying on a classic 'time travel butterfly effect' trope. I was already a huge fan of Chloe by that point, so....

The gameplay is hardly a draw though? I disagree with the expressions, I felt like there was another there to get the point across. Cheesy dialogue sometimes for sure. FOR SURE. But cheesy high school drama? Like, kidnap, murder and suicide? So cheesy. The surrounding drama is cheesy but ya know, that's exactly how high school drama is: stupid. What did you have to go on suspecting him? You can't blame the game for a blind guess. I agree with the characters being pretty one dimensional. It would have been nice for everyone to be more Chloe-like but hey, they're supporting cast. And the voice directing really could have been done better, yes.

Wasen't really a blind guess. In the schoolyard in Ep1, someone mentions that Rachael Amber disappears after getting close to Jefferson. I didn't suspect him that much though, as I targeted Nathon at the end of EP2, but that+Kate running away from him made it kind of obvious that Jefferson was involved somehow...

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There was one line in the game, I don't remember who said it: You have such amazing powers and you waste them away with highschool-drama bullshit.

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Did anybody else think that the homeless lady was going to end up being Max after Max started wearing the leather jacket in the last episode. I was suspecting that at the end of all this she was going to be stuck in some kind of time loop and end up a late middle age lady talking to young Max, possibly by indefinitely time traveling trying every which way to save the town from the tornado.

Also, anybody else notice the homeless guy won the lotto in the San Francisco timeline? He's on the flight to San Francisco.

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#118  Edited By ch3burashka

I made sure to finish the game before watching the GBeast crew finish it.

After that finale, I'm emotionally spent. I don't want to speak ill of the game, but I was crying by the end, half because of the emotional impact, and half because I was so fucking confused. Good time travel stories never reveal the full extent and rules of their time travel, but that last episode is impossible to follow. I was convinced that there was another entity controlling the latter half of the episode because none of Max's experiences made any fucking sense in terms of traditional time travel. How the fuck is she supposed to be in the memory void, or in a snowglobe, or in the frozen diner hearing everyone's thoughts? It's all just so incoherent, which is actually a great way of conveying Max's own frustration and confusion with the entire situation.

This will all take some time to process. I enjoyed it and I'm glad I played it, but I honestly don't understand what it is that I did.

I let Arcadia Bay get destroyed. Chloe lives on.

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Absolutely loved it. Ended up being 2 or 3 on my top ten of the year.

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Did anybody else think that the homeless lady was going to end up being Max after Max started wearing the leather jacket in the last episode. I was suspecting that at the end of all this she was going to be stuck in some kind of time loop and end up a late middle age lady talking to young Max, possibly by indefinitely time traveling trying every which way to save the town from the tornado.

Also, anybody else notice the homeless guy won the lotto in the San Francisco timeline? He's on the flight to San Francisco.

When she started talking about the spirits of Arcadia Bay or whatever she was on, I thought for sure she'd be a lot more important than she ended up being. I was very surprised to see her just straight up disappear after a point.

I made sure to finish the game before watching the GBeast crew finish it.

After that finale, I'm emotionally spent. I don't want to speak ill of the game, but I was crying by the end, half because of the emotional impact, and half because I was so fucking confused. Good time travel stories never reveal the full extent and rules of their time travel, but that last episode is impossible to follow. I was convinced that there was another entity controlling the latter half of the episode because none of Max's experiences made any fucking sense in terms of traditional time travel. How the fuck is she supposed to be in the memory void, or in a snowglobe, or in the frozen diner hearing everyone's thoughts? It's all just so incoherent, which is actually a great way of conveying Max's own frustration and confusion with the entire situation.

This will all take some time to process. I enjoyed it and I'm glad I played it, but I honestly don't understand what it is that I did.

I let Arcadia Bay get destroyed. Chloe lives on.

Yeah I didn't understand that part. I mean she has a conversation with this alternate version of herself, as sort of this "devil on her shoulder" type of thing, while Chloe comes in and acts as the "angel on her shoulder". I guess you could interpret it as anything if you want to, since it's all vague and cryptic. But at that point I was definitely expecting to see something like a higher being or some other power wielder or something. Something something.

I still stand by my decision and all, but man, you make your decision and the game is over. No time to dwell on what could have been, it's time to go. Just wish I could have had some questions answered. But in a way, I think it works better the way it did. I mean, I'm super conflicted, but.

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I haven't played it myself, but I've been watching Vinny and company play it, and they're up to the final episode now. I think it's an amazing game. By far the best of these new style episodic adventure games. Blows all of telltale's stuff out of the water.

The only thing I ever see it get criticized for is the dialogue/characters in general, and I think those criticisms are way off base. Both me and my girlfriend have (unfortunately) wound up interacting with quite a few teens and pre-teens over the past year and a half (family stuff, etc). They really do talk and act like that. They totally misuse and overuse the word "hella." They totally latch onto random old things you wouldn't expect them to even know about (like Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within). I understand the kneejerk reaction of, "teens don't really act like this," but, uhh, yeah they do. I've seen the proof. I'm a believer now. If you think differently, you're simply out of touch, much like I was until recently.

And you may not like hearing realistic, cringe-ey teen dialogue in your game, and you may not be able to like realistically flawed teen characters because they're "annoying" to you, and that's all totally understandable, but that does not make the writing bad. In fact, the opposite is true. Teens suck ass. You're not supposed to like them, but you are supposed to sympathize with them because you were there once, and you sucked just as much. Chloe isn't supposed to be some charming rogue like many people seem to want. She's supposed to be an annoying brat rebel without a cause. That's the point. That's what makes her a well written character instead of a cliche.

-end rant-

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I liked it to the point where I haven't played a single minute of this game myself but I ordered the physical Collectors Edition because I wanted to support the developer. I have, after all, experienced their entire game vicariously through the Beasts so it only seemed fair.

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@singular said:

There was one line in the game, I don't remember who said it: You have such amazing powers and you waste them away with highschool-drama bullshit.

Alternate Max says it during her "nightmare".

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Teens suck ass. You're not supposed to like them, but you are supposed to sympathize with them because you were there once, and you sucked just as much.


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#125  Edited By mustachio

@n7@ch3burashka: Based on comments from the writer and my own playthrough, this is my understanding of the scene that confused you:

That whole segment where you collapse on the beach up to the moment you come back to your senses at the lighthouse isn't real, at all. She isn't travelling through time or meeting a Max from another reality, she's collapsed from sheer exhaustion of overusing her powers and the result is a nightmare reflecting all of Max's insecurities and the thoughts that she never externalises. The other Max is the part of her she buries under the 'innocent' exterior, the part that is just angry, self-depreciating, frustrated and cynical. Basically the whole nightmare sequence is supposed to be the second-last stage of her leaving adolescence and becoming an adult by taking in everything so far and essentially facing her demons. The last stage is making the final choice, regardless of what she picks. She makes a commitment to something that cannot be undone and is forced to live with the consequences. Now I know it's tempting to take the more mystical, spiritual or magical aspects of the game and try and figure out where they could be potentially influencing the nightmare but to me that's her most 'normal' moment in the game. She's an 18-year-old under insane pressure and having gone through hell, and based on the diner scene she feels she's in some way responsible for the deaths of those killed/about to be killed in the storm. After those last five days I think anybody would have a visceral nightmare like that.

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@n7 said:
@ch3burashka said:

I made sure to finish the game before watching the GBeast crew finish it.

After that finale, I'm emotionally spent. I don't want to speak ill of the game, but I was crying by the end, half because of the emotional impact, and half because I was so fucking confused. Good time travel stories never reveal the full extent and rules of their time travel, but that last episode is impossible to follow. I was convinced that there was another entity controlling the latter half of the episode because none of Max's experiences made any fucking sense in terms of traditional time travel. How the fuck is she supposed to be in the memory void, or in a snowglobe, or in the frozen diner hearing everyone's thoughts? It's all just so incoherent, which is actually a great way of conveying Max's own frustration and confusion with the entire situation.

This will all take some time to process. I enjoyed it and I'm glad I played it, but I honestly don't understand what it is that I did.

I let Arcadia Bay get destroyed. Chloe lives on.

Yeah I didn't understand that part. I mean she has a conversation with this alternate version of herself, as sort of this "devil on her shoulder" type of thing, while Chloe comes in and acts as the "angel on her shoulder". I guess you could interpret it as anything if you want to, since it's all vague and cryptic. But at that point I was definitely expecting to see something like a higher being or some other power wielder or something. Something something.

I still stand by my decision and all, but man, you make your decision and the game is over. No time to dwell on what could have been, it's time to go. Just wish I could have had some questions answered. But in a way, I think it works better the way it did. I mean, I'm super conflicted, but.

Dream sequence

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I only have episode one and haven't had the desire to buy the remaining episodes, so, to answer your question, no, I did not like it.

That's basically like playing the tutorial and saying the game was bad... I'll grant that their model is flawed because Chapter 1 was probably the least intriguing part of the game. You really need to go into Chapter 2 for the game to gets it's hooks in. It gets progressively better from there.

At the same time I'm willing to say if you don't want to spend the cash on the game you should just spend it on a Premium Sub instead and watch Vinny, Alex and Austin play it. Highly enjoyable experience.