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    Marvel's Avengers

    Game » consists of 11 releases. Released Sep 04, 2020

    A joint project between Marvel, Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics

    Avengers Next-Gen Upgrades & Hawkeye Update Delayed Because 2020

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    Crystal D has announced that the PS5 and Xbox Series updates for Avengers are now delayed into next year to allow for more time for improvement. The upcoming Hawkeye content update also will not hit this month and has been delayed to an as of yet unannounced time.

    One of the major issues cited has been the wildfires that have been ravaging our state this year. And as they're based out of the Redwood City area several team members have reportedly had to evacuate their homes.

    Hopefully next year things can start turning around for... Eeeeverything everywhere.

    For folks currently playing the game they have announced a gift package as thanks for everyone's patience. Until November 5th active players will receive a bundle of Units and Upgrade Modules as well as $15.00 of paid currency. They're also giving out a free Sarah Garza nameplate, officially solidifying that glitch as a canonical meme. Bless you, CryDy.

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    Yeesh, that’s pretty rough. Bummer to hear the roadmap is getting disrupted, but I’m happy to jump back in next year when they get through the rough patch. Hopefully this preempted the need for crunch.

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    The game feels strangely at odds with itself, but the recent QoL patch was a nice one (faster movement in outposts, the ability to get quests in one place), so here's to hoping!

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    This game really is just going to be Anthem 2 Underwhelming Boogaloo. Although I imagine they are going to try to keep it afloat a bit longer than EA tried with Anthem, solely due to the IP.

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    More details have been clarified in an official news post: in which a few upcoming features stand out to me, namely an Apex Legends style ping system (with the ability to command AI to open doors/terminals/etc), improved off-screen telegraphs, and an option to customize visibility of party member icons. More and better situational awareness will go a long way for me.

    The head of Crystal Dynamics closes the update with a sweet note:

    ‘Reflecting on this past year and the isolating global climate that has come with it – Super Hero stories feel more important than ever. On an individual level, Super Heroes inspire us to dig deep and get back up after being knocked down. From a societal perspective, they illustrate how our differences enrich communities big and small.

    In our nearly 30-year history, Crystal Dynamics has never shipped a game under conditions like these; from working at home to avoid a pandemic, to some of us evacuating said homes to stay safe from wildfires. While the challenges 2020 has surfaced are many, it’s also instilled a strength in us; to reassemble a team divided by geography and life circumstances, and come back stronger, united by a mission to do right by you.

    This is, in part, why we have taken our responsibility developing Marvel’s Avengers so seriously. It’s our opportunity to pass on that core heroes’ spirit of heart and hope, connect you with friends near and far, and inspire you to plant your feet against a sea of adversity and say, "No, you move".

    Marvel’s Avengers is far more than a game to us, and you are far more than its players. You are our Super Heroes. We may be apart, but we are all in this together.”

    - Crystal Dynamics Head of Studio, Scot Amos

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    So I tried the new Tachyon mission and I kind of hate it? Being rushed like that is no fun and the final segment with control points feels impossible as a solo player, as the AI continues to be useless. I suppose I can re-run it again in matchmaking, but I already feel like I wasted 15 minutes just getting to that final segment and I’d rather not repeat it.

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