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    Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

    Game » consists of 4 releases. Released Aug 28, 2007

    The finale to the Metroid Prime trilogy sees its debut on the Wii.

    razr95's Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (Wii) review

    Avatar image for razr95

    Metroid Prime 3 is a great ending of the trilogy.

    Game play:Metroid Prime 3 is the ending of the trilogy and its on the Nintendo Wii now let`s talk about the controls in the controls you can choose the sensitivity like Beginner standard and Advanced i suggest that you use advance because you can move allot more and you have more space around to kill enemies. The story is different instead that you loose your accesories and that you try to find them Samus keeps them and she continues on the game like you have power beam missiles morph ball double jump and Varia suit the objectives are much easier but as you move on you need to find the energy cells i suggest that you look into the logbook to see where the energy cells are locate if you dont do this you`re just going to loose 6 hours to look for them without knowing the location for it. You cannot have the thing in metroid prime 3 where you choose the beam you just use one and thats it. Metroid priem 3 looks like Halo 3 the soldiers the enemies and the maps and also the music I think it looks similar. In metroid prime 3 you get to beat bosse`s from Metroid prime hunters, Metroid SNES, Metroid prime 1 and 2 and metroid Fusion. Using the map is way easier than metroid prime 1 or 2 the objectives are clear and simple. The Final boss is Dark Samus since samus is corrupted you stay in Hyper mode to beat Dark Samus ,Aurora Unit and the Aurora Unit head i spent playing this game in total 24 hours believe it or not because i was exploring G.F.S valhalla with just a plasma beam. and i was wasting my time tryign to find the objectives when they are in the logbook. I think that Metroid Prime fans would be stunned playign this game and the details in the game are mind blowing and the animations are much improved. Once you scan bosse`s clues enemies and ect.... you get unlockables like soundtracks map packs and allot of extras that makes the game even more interesting. I was frustrated when i was against dark samus because i only had like 8 energy tanks and i did beat the hole game 70 % only if you play a harder difficulty you get closer to 100 %.

    Graphics: The graphics are stunning... like the details they are much improved and the effects are more realistic especially the ending.

    Sound: The music is awesome you can choose the songs you like in the extras menu (unlockables) The beams are more powerfull.... and there`s also HYPERMODE wich is the easiest way to kill enemies.

    Controls : The controls are perfect for the wii remote and its way better then the old games... (metroid prime 1).

    Value : I payed 49 $ for this game used and i do not regret buying this game im actully happy this is a must buy game if you have a wii you must have Metroid prime Zelda Super smash bros brawl and super mario galaxy those are the top games and theres more.

    Metroid Prime 3 Corruption


    Other reviews for Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (Wii)

      Metroid Prime 3 has perfect controls and fun gameplay. 0

      This is the first Metroid Prime I actually beat.  I got 2/3s of the way into the first Metroid Prime, I got the final boss in Metroid Prime 2, and I gave up after about 2 weeks with Metroid Prime Hunters.  The first Metroid Prime was amazing for the time, but in retrospect, the controls are a bit clunky, and the scanning sucks.  Metroid Prime 2 fixed all the problems of the first game, but it didn't advance much beyond that.  It was basically the same game.Metroid Prime 3 feels like a new game. ...

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      In Depth Metroid Prime 3 Review. 0

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      2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

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