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Fallout 3, time, and changing schedules

After listening to the giant bobcast since its inception I have decided to join the site and start a small blog.  Maybe I'll contribute to something else someday, but I doubt it.

The reason for my doubt is that like many other 30 year olds I find that the time I have for games has shrunk considerably.  Getting married is a large part of this, but it really started when I left college.  I don't think this in anyway unique, but as I have been listening to video game  podcasts for the past 5 years I find that I am more and more out of touch with the community that those podcasts portray.  The podcast I've listened to the most is 1up Yours and while I appreciate many of the contributors, John Davison is by far my favorite.  I bring him up because his comments about getting older and playing games.  The fact that his interests are changing as his kids get older, and playing the "All Play" brand of games for the Wii become more and more appealing since he can play with his son.

Anyway, the point of this post is to reiterate that Fallout 3 is fantastic.  While I've had some problems with things like the lighting, the story has been solid, and the gameplay is good.  I've heard complaints about wandering around a mostly brown and grey wasteland and spending hours not interacting with anything, and I understand where those complaints come from.  Right now my only complaint is that I can devote at best 1-2 hours a day into this game that clearly needs more.  It is a shame, but again my life has gotten in the way of my gaming.  I'm sure I'll have more to say about that as time goes on, but it is increasingly more difficult to call myself a "gamer" because I simply don't have the time to game.  Sigh.