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I guess it's sunk cost. No need to torture myself over what are effectively phantasms.

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The Blurbs

I have spent the past few days playing Heroes of Might and Magic: Kingdoms (I know it's not quite called that, but the other title is too undignified).  I'm willing to talk about it, if anyone wants to hear it. It's both not what you expect, and totally what you'd expect.
I'm also thinking about talking about Darklands in depth for any RPGrognards out there. If you haven't tried it yet I think you're missing out. I still feel that the menu system in cities, the saints, the alchemy all make the game very fun. I'll probably get it on GOG, but I secretly wish that someone would see what they did and totally make a modern version of it, smoothing out the wrinkles.
Daggerfall is taunting me with its weirdness...  I'm still in a mood to play it so I'll try to see if I can get any further. 
ROM Check Fail is now released as open source! If you don't know what I mean, go to
Solium Infernum has a new content patch, which should be awesome.
Hm... I guess that was it.
EDIT: The Farbs link was fucked up. Sorry about that.



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Edited By ahoodedfigure

I have spent the past few days playing Heroes of Might and Magic: Kingdoms (I know it's not quite called that, but the other title is too undignified).  I'm willing to talk about it, if anyone wants to hear it. It's both not what you expect, and totally what you'd expect.
I'm also thinking about talking about Darklands in depth for any RPGrognards out there. If you haven't tried it yet I think you're missing out. I still feel that the menu system in cities, the saints, the alchemy all make the game very fun. I'll probably get it on GOG, but I secretly wish that someone would see what they did and totally make a modern version of it, smoothing out the wrinkles.
Daggerfall is taunting me with its weirdness...  I'm still in a mood to play it so I'll try to see if I can get any further. 
ROM Check Fail is now released as open source! If you don't know what I mean, go to
Solium Infernum has a new content patch, which should be awesome.
Hm... I guess that was it.
EDIT: The Farbs link was fucked up. Sorry about that.

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Edited By ArbitraryWater

You should talk about Darklands in depth so I can actually understand the general facets of the character creation and at least the early game. If I'm going to include it in one my stupid video blogs I might as well not fumble around like an imbecile doing it. That, and for all I know it might be worth playing for more than the 30 minutes making one of those videos takes. We'll see.

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Edited By ahoodedfigure
@ArbitraryWater: Noted. Actually the pre-set party will give you a good idea of the general archetypes you want to shoot for (two fighters, one alchemist, one priest). You could even use the pre-set party, but I know if someone suggested that to me when I could just create characters, I'd laugh in their face, even if ruin would lie ahead for my malformed party.
Another thing to note is that when you're making someone, keep in mind that every career cycle, you're making the character weaker past a certain age. I think the only character that doesn't have stuff that'll get ruined at high age levels is the alchemist archetype. 
You may not like how freeform things are; similar to Arcanum you are given a wide range of possibilities but not given classes that are designed to be unbroken. It's not nearly as punishing as Arcanum, though, in that you can at least have functional characters. Optimization, though, means less reloads.  I'll get on it, though I'll probably have to get the game to be able to say things with authority. I'm running on memory, here.