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Best of 2010

AkIRA_22: Best of 20120100

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  • Made me a believer in Shepard. Didn't play ME1 to completion because it sucked, but this has to be one of the all time great game turn a rounds. Everything was great, combat, story, characters and the perks/augments. Loved it. I can say that the only game I am waiting for more than Mass Effect 3 is Uncharted 3... THEY BOTH COME OUT NEXT YEAR!

  • Seriously an amazing game that had me absolutely gob smacked with it's beauty. the mechanics were tight and there was just so much to do. But the second act in Mexico cost this game dearly. The end was great and Undead Nightmare was the best DLC I have ever come across. That second act... ruined it.

  • I finished this game in two days! I could not put it down. They had everything balanced perfectly, he Puzzle to combat ratio was spot on. Story wasn't super complicated but no final chapter is, it's all about Kratos kicking some Greek God/Demi-God ass. Boss battles were fittingly epic, and pushing in Helios' eyes using the L3 and R3 buttons was just pure genius.

  • One word 'addict'. I played this to DEATH when if first came out. then I left for a couple of months when they released new maps then got back into it. Now I'm deep into Vietnam... This game just keeps on giving, it has solid as rocks multiplayer combat with epic 32 player maps, this is why the PC is King of the FPS. Plus I know someone at Dice.

  • as some one who has played games pretty much from birth this is what I was waiting for. A really mature game, not just blood, guts, swearing and tits, but REAL emotion and adult themes. This is Seven in video game form, sure there were a few hiccups in the plot but generally speaking this game broke new ground in videogame interactivity and story telling.

  • Sure it's more of the same but it's more of the same of one of the best games ever made. it tightened up the in game economy and streamlined more than a few things. Add to that the continuation of one of gamings all time great story arcs this is pure gaming gold.

  • This got me into WoW, that's right I'm a noob, never played, never wanted to. But I heard this changed it up, and even polished the very dated looks. So I tried it with a mate who is lvl 85 and it was great fun. I can see what all the fuss is about.

  • It's GT5... that is all.

  • My balls still hurt, but what a great game. I never thought a game based on frustration could be so addictive. I think if the levels were any bigger this game would be a steaming Eskimo pie. But they aren't and it's a great game.

  • I'm in the Navy and do a lot of mind numbing shit for hours at a time. This helps pass those hours of mind numbing shit. The whole 'just one more turn' phenomenon is in full effect in this game.