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Quick impressions of the WaW beta.

  • It's pretty much Call of Duty 4. I'll get that out of the way right now.
  • I really like War mode. I'm not sure if it was in any of the old CoD games, but it's basically Domination with only one flag able to be captured at a time. This makes the fighting for the flag much more intense and focused in one area than before.
  • Dogs, which take the place of helicopters, are both awesome and annoying, depending on which side of their attack you're on. In tight quarters maps, it's awesome to see this swarm of Dobermans rush in and start killing dudes.
  • There is no reason to use any other weapon than the Thompson. None.

All in all, I'll probably buy the game when it comes out, but it definitely won't replace CoD4 altogether.