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25th Anniversary of Final Fantasy VI

What haven't I said about Final Fantasy VI (III)? Probably one of the greatest jrpgs of the 16 bit generation, Final Fantasy VI was peak Square firing on all cylinders.

On this 25th anniversary of the Japanese launch, the editors of Game Informer held an interview with some of the original development team which provides some incites into some things I never realized about the game. Originally a city building portion was planned and the opera scene was someone only a 1 line instruction in the original design.

While SquareEnix hasn't done a re-release of the original SNES game (that smart phone port still burns) for modern consoles, Octopath Traveller at least captures the essence of what they were going for. I'm glad Final Fantasy III was included in the SNES Classic though and gives fans a chance to replay the game on something resembling the original hardware it was released on.

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