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My thoughts on Valentine's day.

As you all are probably aware, if not by the constant barrage of advertising or the fact that you may actually have yourself a life partner, Valentine's day is just around the corner.  

Just before I get into this, I would like to make it clear that I am not of these opinions because I am sad and lonely, I have had the same standing whether I have had myself a lady at the time or not.  

Firstly, and probably mostly obvious by now, the media have ransacked this commemoration, much like most, and it is largely about how much money you spend on one another, or at least that is how it is portrayed so people spend, spend, spend. This can be seen in such advertisements you find absolutely everywhere you look; in newspapers you'll find advertisements encouraging you to spend hefty amounts of money on things on no real meaning, for instance, on my way home through town this afternoon I saw one praising a mobile phone as a 'perfect present for your valentine'. Now call me old fashioned, but why on Earth would a mobile phone hold any real meaning like a valentine's day gift should do. And if it isn't meaningless expenditure like such, it is tacky heart shaped chocolates, or pink fluffy slippers, or other novelties that have no real meaning, yet are shrouded in falsified gestures of love and caring. Whatever happened to people taking some time and thinking about it? 
Secondly, it seems to have become all about the females in relationships. Now i'm not going to get into any 'well Women like lovey dovey crap and Men don't' points as that is not what I am saying. What I am saying though, is why can't a Man care? If the day is meant to be about showing love to one another why does there have to be a focus on one side? Now this may be down to the people I am around at this time of the year, but just being in shops surrounded by people shopping gives off the same feeling. 
My main point though, is why does the act of showing your partner how much you love him or her have to be consigned to one particular day? Why can't it be every day? Well, not every day as that would then become the normal and kind of expected, but I expect you understand my point. Acts of such kindness and love should be far more sporadic and not happen on specific days, especially not the same specific days as everyone else. 
Now, I think I have burnt myself out with all this writing, hence why each paragraph became increasingly shorter. I hope it is coherent, as I am pretty bad at writing out my thoughts for others to understand. 
OH, and also, just as sort of an escape clause, I am not saying this is true of every body, this is just what I have noticed in the people around me and in many different forms of media, as I know full well someone is likely to take something out of context and blow it out of proportion as this, after all, is the internet.  
Thank you if you read this, and I don't blame you if you don't get to the end.