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The 1C Complete Pack and Me. Fantasy Wars.


Here we have Fantasy Wars, a turn based strategy game in a similar vein to HOMM or - as I have never really played anything like this since a game on the Sega Gamegear many years ago - the combat from Civilisation 5.

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Set in a world hit with constant warring, the game features 4 races: Humans, Orcs, Elves, and Dwarves; and with that three campaigns: Humans, Orcs, and Alliance. The human campaign pits you against orcs, and the orc campaign against humans; the Alliance is locked until you finish the other two, which was kinda annoying, as that was the one I wanted to play.

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You have an army you go into each battle with, and you can pick and choose from a given pool to compose your army, to add more or less units depending on whether you can afford them. The units are the usual types: archers, swordsmen, scouts, brutes, and weak fodder like peasants. Your units gain experience for their actions, and you can level up and gain, what they unfortunately call, perks; things like extra defense for hiding in forest tiles for the scout. You also have hero characters, who are stronger than the rest of the units, and you have to keep them alive throughout the mission, for obvious reasons.

For a game only 6 years old the graphics are pretty dated; whilst the landscape is fine, the character units are pretty blocky, and generally bad.

The game is probably mildly fun, but my hero guy was defeated in one hit by an enemy, thus halting my play.