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Internet man with questionable sense of priorities

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I play old games (second impressions)

It is time once again after a long break for me to review old... games? Actually no. Unfortunately, Disgaea is a long game, as is Baldur's Gate, and with the release season almost upon us, I will probably only be able to finish one before Dragon Age comes out. So instead of bothering to review something new, I will take a look at some of the games I have reviewed previously and see how they have held up since I looked at them prior. Sounds good? Good. Let's go.


Even I can agree that this is the best bond game
Even I can agree that this is the best bond game
See original review here
Ah yes Goldeneye, my first attempt to give my impressions of a game in a rambling incoherent manner. Also the only one to have a post count higher than 10, because everything else I have played is far more obscure and less revered. Well, what do I think of it now, now that I have had more time to play it? It's still pretty good, although the one sticking point from my initial post still stands: the objectives aren't very clear and sometimes it's not your fault if you fail them. I have tried to play a little more Multiplayer, and it still is kind of dumb and shallow by today's standards, but that is to be expected.  

Resident Evil 3

See original review here
It's still no REmake
It's still no REmake
RE3 represents the beginning of the series' transition from "Survival Horror" (which still is not a genre) to a more action-oriented type of game. Thus an abundance of grenade ammo and gunpowder to make even more grenade ammo (Simply put, you don't need to touch the magnum because you have so many freeze rounds), far less focus on story, (not that the story in Resident Evil is really worth caring about) and some puzzles or item combinations that use questionable logic. This is in stark contrast to REmake (and RE0 to a lesser degree), which are all about running the hell away from zombies instead of shooting them and solving clever puzzles. I still enjoyed RE3, but it is the weakest in the series I have played so far... Once I eventually get Code Veronica you can fully expect me to review it at some point and see how that fares.

Jagged Alliance

See original review here (WALL OF TEXT WARNING)
Not worth $30
Not worth $30

Perhaps I was a little harsh on Jagged Alliance. It certainly has it's charms... but not enough charm that I didn't sell it. I guess the reason I held it to a higher standard than every other game I have looked at (all of which have a "This game is hella old but that's ok" phrase in there somewhere), was because I spent the full price of a DS game on it. I could have gotten Devil Survivor, and seen why Video_Game_King hates it so much, or New Super Mario Bros, or something else that is actually worth $29.99 USD
Maybe if I got it for the PC I would think differently... nah. It still sucks. Don't buy it. 

The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall

See original thing here.
 The dungeons are still way too big
 The dungeons are still way too big

Daggerfall is still not a bad game. It may be full of some of the most pointless shit I have ever seen in a video game (I blame a lack of playtesting), but even with language skills, unnessesarily huge dungeons, towns, and pretty much everything else that screams "THIS GAME WAS MADE IN 1996 IN CASE YOU DIDN'T NOTICE!!!", I find that all the rough edges give it a certain old-school charm. That's not to say that I enjoy spending three hours in a dungeon trying to find a bear, but it is free, which really, really helps. To anyone who enjoys these kinds of games I recommend at least taking a look before you decide that it is way too janky to be worth playing. 
I think I will stop here. I can do second looks at Thief, Fallout, and Colonization some other time. Now I pose a question to you, the readers. Since I can't make a poll in a blog post, which game should I finish first: Disgaea or Baldur's Gate?