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Games of the Year: 2012 Edition

At the end of each year, I post a top 10 list of games I really, really enjoyed over the course of that 365-day period.

Unfortunately, 2012 was not a great year for me, gaming-wise. Most years, I have to cut things from the list due to lack of space, but this year I had a lot of trouble even getting to 10 at all. Nevertheless, there were some that stood out to me.

List items

  • I have been playing X-COM games since 1995, when the original UFO Defense came out. Thus it came as no surprise that when an actual follow-up to the classic X-COM franchise was released, I would pick it up.

    What surprised me is how good it was. X-COM is just good, clean, alien-smashing fun. It's hard as hell but unbelievably rewarding at the same time. In a year with no Souls games coming out to destroy a man's will, X-COM handily picks up the slack.

  • Journey is just an experience. Play it for yourself and you'll see why it's on my list. Simple as that.

  • Really the Vita's core selling point for 2012, Gravity Rush is the kind of game that doesn't deserve the expectations placed on its shoulders. An absolutely entertaining semi-RPG/semi-action game, Gravity Rush uses its unique mechanics and distinct art style to great effect. It's a very fun game to play, but a difficult one to watch.

  • Having never finished Persona 4's original PS2 release before my backwards compatible PS3 bit the dust back in '09, I was glad to pick up the expanded Vita rerelease a little while back. It's Persona 4 in all its glory, plus even more content. And it has a slightly less annoying main battle theme! What more can you ask for?

  • Xenoblade is a divisive game. It opens very strongly, with a fairly entertaining cast of characters and some pretty great music. It drags near the middle, however, but even despite this I did enjoy my time playing it. Now maybe someday soon I'll actually be able to finish the damn thing.

  • Technically, MK7 is a 2011 game. I know. But I got it in 2012, alright? I love Mario Kart. Always have since the SNES days. Probably always will as long as they release the games on platforms I own. Just sheer fun, minus some of the drawbacks of Double Dash! and Mario Kart Wii.

  • This one barely counts considering it's an HD collection, but DMC3 is still my favorite action game of all time. Getting a chance to play it in full HD was absolutely worth it.

  • Wouldn't be another year without a Yakuza game on the list. Dead Souls is the weakest game in the series thus far due to some dodgy shooting mechanics, but aside from ZOMBIES~! it's still classic Yakuza as far as the eye can see.

    And your brain will not be able to take Goro Majima doing karaoke. Just trust me.

  • And here's this year's oddball title. A surprisingly entertaining little digital download game, RCR is so full of silly references that it's hard not to grin the entire time you play it. Also, the PS3/Vita cross play is a nice touch.

  • Dragon's Dogma is a very, very bizarre game. It almost doesn't deserve to be on this list at all. Featuring a whole bunch of good ideas and just as many puzzling if not downright RIDICULOUS ideas, Dragon's Dogma proved that it's possible for Japanese developers to make a decent open world RPG.

    Now if the game gets a sequel, maybe we'll see if they can make a great one.