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Rocks.... on the ground

So I was out on my morning walk, I basically just walk around a nearby field; dirt field. As I was walking up, there was an African lady (in African garb) who was just kinda sitting there picking/looking at the ground.

I know this is a bad way to start off my return post , but bare with me, there's a point. As I was walking back to my condo she was STILL there (after I had walked the length of the field all the way around). I watched her for a bit before going into my complex, and she seemed to be picking something up and looking at it or searching. My guess is that she was looking for coins, but who knows? I am someone who will pick things up off the ground. Spare-change? I pocket it. Even if it's a penny. I recently will pick up cans or bottles and instead of tossing them away, I keep them (hey collect enough and you'll get something in return. The least it could do is pay for a months worth of tacos at Jack in the Box. :D), etc. 

One thing seeing this lady also did was make me think... about the ground. Do you ever look at the ground? It's kind of like looking into the sky, if you pay attention, you can spot some interesting things going on. And most people pay absolutely no mind to it. None at all. So as I was walking to my condo, i did something I did on my last walk... picked up a pretty looking rock. And kept it. But this time I picked up a bunch of interesting looking rocks. And I'm going to keep them. 

When I was young, I loved rocks. I'd always pick them up and keep them. Once on a family trip to the mountains (I live in the arid, dry, mountainous, deserty land of Phoenix, Arizona) I went crazy and had picked up six GIANT boulders (er, boulders to my small size anyway, but huge rocks I had to laboriously lift with two hands) and put them in the back of the truck. Of course, I did this without my parents knowing. So naturally, it turned out to be against the rules to take rocks from the mountain (bah humbug) and my parents made me put them all back. Although they let me keep ONE. So I kept this white shiny one. And it was AWESOME. 

Of course, it mostly just sat there, but one reason I wanted it was cause I'd use it as an environmental object when I'd play with my G.I. Joes (Or "guys" as me and my bros. referred to them as). I also kept little rocks. Why? Cause they were the bosses, d'uh! I remember how I'd use the rocks would always reflected videogames. So around the time of Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World, my guys had to jump on top of the rock's head.... it'd spin around... See? Do so enough times and they'd defeat it. But then they had to fight the fire rock! And the ice rock! And the crystal! So I actually "made use" of these rocks and they weren't "useless" to me. But I also just found rocks interesting. 

So.... why would I pick up rocks right now? That's what my brothers would say to me. My answer? Why the HELL not? I'm 26 dammit I can do whatever I want. And I want these rocks! 

I am actually thinking of looking into rocks and doing some research... I've always thought it would be cool to know these things. Know what kind of rocks you are looking at. Know what kind of plants you are looking at. Know what kind of birds are flying above you (I'd love to be a bird watcher, may actually do it some day). Anyway, I'm going to use the rocks to line the wall of my bathroom countertop. I think that'd actually look cool. And whenever I come across a neat looking one I'll pick it up. I might post some pics of the ones I picked up today. 

Anyone else ever do this type of thing? Ever have that odd, random desire to just pick up a cool looking rock and keep it? What about actually looking into it, finding out what type of rock it is or whatnot? Or if you could care less about rocks, ever pay attention to what you are walking past? There could be a diamond in the rough you know. :)

Be my Valenslime! (DQVI)

So I got a new review copy in the mail along with some pretty sweet extras. Thought I'd share.  

Aww a Valentine's Day card for me?  
Aww a Valentine's Day card for me?  

Inside of Card 
Inside of Card 

 Valentine's Writing in Card
 Valentine's Writing in Card


 Back of tshirt, back of game box.
 Back of tshirt, back of game box.

 Now I have two DQ shirts! WOOT!
 Now I have two DQ shirts! WOOT!

Significant Undertaking . . .

Very odd, I somehow didn't have the 'Open Enrollment" Quest Set of Achievements related to doing things you do when you first sign up to the site. And I just randomly got them. :/ 
Very strange. But hey it's points so you won't see me complaining! :D


Prayer Requests . . . thread continuation!

So I was about to post a giant message on my Prayer Requests thread in response to everyone before it was locked! So my post didn't go through. Thought I'd go ahead and post it here.  
 @Emilio said: 
" @astrotriforce: What's wrong with him? What kinds of things does he say? He sounds interesting. inb4 annoyed atheists. "
He said God was driving, he said his tires were on fire (were they? I don't know none of us were there . . .), he said that God was telling him where to go . . . . The problem with Manuel is that he says odd things ALL the time. He is diagnosed bi-polar, low-level schizo and something else I'm not sure about. There was a third category, I think it may have been Manic-Depressive(?) cause my brother was saying that runs in his family and his grandma has it apparently. So that'd make sense if it was the third. 
Manuel says things that most people would not say openly. And he doesn't mean to do it but that's just how his mind works. For example I remember one time when we were walking with a friend, and just as us being guys we'd sometimes talk about how we hoped nothing would happen to her because she was/is very pretty and could be a target of people who'd want to kidnap her or whatnot when she used to walk to school (me and my bro once were jumped in broad daylight by two extremely buff and high/drunk guys. So I know full well that it can happen even in broad daylight). Well one time we were with her, and Manuel says aloud about how he hopes no one rapes her. You know, that's not something you say IN FRONT of the person. That's one clear example I can think of.  But he'll just up and say something out of no where or say something really random that makes people think he is weird (and he is, but it's just his mental issues that make him that way. Other than that he's normal you know)
Other issues he has is that he will laugh uncontrollably, to where he'll stomp his foot or practically fall off his chair laughing. And other times he gets REALLY serious about things. He's a hoot and he's fun to be around, as my Bible Study teacher always says, no matter what deep discussion we are having or how much he prepares himself, Manuel never failes to throw him a curveball. And usually it's because Manuel will say something or ask something that "normal" people would never say/ask. He's offered us many unique and funny moments through the years, and I hope that continues and that he turns out alright after this whole episode. Also he'd never hurt a fly, despite him rapping violent Eminem lyrics all the time >_< ("Cause you don't, wanna fuck with Shady.  (Cause why?) Cause Shady, will fuckin' kill you" MANUEL! What are you saying?!?! "I'M SORRY!" :P) But he is one of the most generous and nicest people I know. He'll always go out of his way to help someone or if he thinks they are being ignored he'll be the one to go talk to them, etc. He has a really good heart and I think it'd be impossible for him to have a single enemy. He is too kind-hearted and everyone loves him.  
@Claude said: 
" I knew I should not have entered. Prayer pisses me off. I hate god-damned religions as much as I love my god-damned Wii. The world would be a better place if everyone grew a fucking pair and saved off religion.  Other than that, may the human spirit, talent and careers of individuals bring fortitude to your friend. May his strength of loved ones help his way. "
Why would good will being sent to and for others, a non-selfish act committed completely on their own time and generally by oneself, although sometimes in accordance with others gathered to wish well to another being as a group, piss you off? It doesn't piss me off that you're pissed off at my beliefs, so maybe you're the one who needs to grow a pair.  
@TheGreatGuero said: 
" Is it wrong to pray for bad things to happen to people? Because man, a lot of you are jerks. That was totally uncalled for.   I'm really sorry to hear about your friend, man. Sounds like a rough situation. "
Yes it's wrong. As Christians we're called to love not only those that disagree with you but those who are hateful. Why? Because you are essentially stripping them of their power. See: MLK. If someone is frothing with hate towards you and you react by loving them, you've just turned their attack on it's head. Generally they don't even know what to do with you because it's the opposite of how a person should react and generally would react. 
I remember reading a book about the BTK killer (, one of the things that kept him up at night and continued to haunt him for a long time even after he killed her, was a victim who said, I'm paraphrasing cause I don't remember it exactly, but basically that she forgave him and that Jesus loved him. And his own words were that he flinched. And to this day he has not forgotten her words. Because unconditional love cuts deep man, no matter who you are. People will deny it all they want but it's true and they know it.  
Thanks to: @Scooper (I disagree with your assessment obviously but dont' feel the need to reply, you know my stance),  @DrFreeman, @Deusoma, @Computerplayer1, @RichardLOlson, @kmdrkul: @Darkstorn: @TheGreatGuero for your prayers, well wishes and/or kind comments! :) I really do appreciate it.  
@arab_prince said: 
" I hope your friend and his family get through this alright. I'm sorry to hear about the situation and I don't doubt that his family is in a very fragile place right now. Hopefully in time everything will get better. :)  On a side note I enjoy your questions of the day and respect your dedication in continuing to make them.  Also, guys he knows this is a video game website. Clearly he is vulnerable about this issue and is reaching out to anyone that will listen. There really is no need to be a dick to this guy. "
Thanks man. :) Glad you enjoy the questions of the day! I do have fun posting them. I do want to say to you and others that have asked that I am fine personally. In fact my circle of friends is fairly close and somewhat deep (I always forget how many friends I actually have until it comes time to call all of them or tell them all something) and I have a strong support group. Not only my family but the night of the tragedy five of us (friends and bros.) and three via the phone all gathered in a circle, held hands and prayed. We're all in our low to mid-20s (I'm 25, Manuel's 24) so it's very cool and I count my blessings to have friends such as these. Also I have a strong head on my shoulders, tragedies happen, death is a part of life. I think too many Americans build a bad place for their kids later in life because rarely do parents teach their kids that death is a part of life like they do in other cultures/religions/countries. And so when death hits to most Americans they crumble under the tragedy. Thankfully death didn't happen this time, but I'm a pretty realistic guy, and I know that life must go on, you can't wallow in your own misery, and I do my best to learn from the mistakes of my parents generation and other friends/family. It's the reason I don't drink/smoke/do drugs. I have a friend right now named Alex who was not only street dealing and hustling but also got caught up and addicted to meth and involved with the Mexican Mafia. He had a gun pulled on him twice on the streets and recently hit COMPLETE and total rock bottom and was about to commit suicide. And this only about a year after his brother was gunned down in a related gang shooting. I intervened and now he is going through a Christian street ministry, taking classes, and is actually LEADING and helping others. In short he has turned around to a phenomenal degree much more than anyone anticipated and he still has three months to go. It's insane. And he's kicked the habit for now. Hopefully for good. I mention this just to say that I'm pretty stable mentally. So I wouldn't say I was vulnerable. But I also believe in the power of prayer and Manuel needs all he can get, so I wanted to reach out on his behalf to those that would pray for him. Again thanks for the kind comments and well wishes! :)    


Golden metallic Pokemon cards. Anyone seen these before? (This topic is over 7 years old)

No Caption Provided

So I found these one day while checking out a Thrift Store and I just went ahead and sprang for all of them that they had at like $2 bucks a pop. I'm glad to own them though cause they look really cool.

Basically, they are like Pokemon cards but they are made of metal and the whole piece is gold colored. Each one has a picture of the Pokemon on front and a description on back, but they aren't related to the TCG, no other info is given outside the typical Pokedex description. They are all from generation one.

As you can see, I have: Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Togepi (er... okay guess they aren't all 1st gen), Charizard, Pikachu (in a plastic case) and . . . for some odd reason, Poliwhirl (I have two of him and two Jigglypuffs). I haven't actually looked these up online yet, but thought I'd ask here first.

Anyone else own these? Are there more than what I own?

No Caption Provided

Why doesn't God just destroy Satan? (Answer included)

So I was talking to one of my friends and we had an interesting discussion on Satan and God. I'll go ahead and share the whole thing. 
"Hey, I read somewhere that Lucifer being an angel was made out of fire, and all of the angels loved God and adored him, and when God made man, he made him out of clay, and commanded that the angels bow down to them and love them unconditionally as well, but Lucifer loved God so much that he couldn't bow down to anyone else, and he felt that man was inferior to him being made out of clay, so God cast him out of Heaven, away from his love, I'm sure there's more to it but what do you think?"

Me: "That's more of an embellishment on what the Biblical text actually states. The Bible does say that the Father made us out of "the earth" (which could be translated as "clay" I suppose) and it does say that Lucifer was essentially jealous OF GOD. It could therefore be interpreted by extension that he was also jealous of man because of man's privelaged position above the angels and all of God's creatures. Also, Lucifer didn't disobey God out of love. No matter how someone wants to twist it. And Lucifer wasn't made of fire, but the Bible states that he was the most beautiful of the angels, was a musical being and was covered in jewels that shone throughout the Heavens."
"What about him fighting God? He would have to know he wouldn't win."
Me: "Well, that's kind of like saying that Adolf Hitlar would have to know that he couldn't conquer the entire world. But he sure thought he could and was damn well confident enough that he nearly succeeded. Likewise, it says that a third of the angels were deceived by and followed Lucifer. Thus they too were also cast out of Heaven along with Lucifer for their treachery. Therefore Satan was able to convince a third of God's angels that HE was right and God was wrong. Could be he defeat God? No. But he damn well tried. And he knew that angels aren't God, and therefore could be deceived. And they were"
"Surely Satan must listen to people talk, he would have to ponder the thought that he isn't gonna win."

Me:  "At this point it isn't so much about Satan winning, it's about how much he can corrupt before his time is up. God couldn't be defeated but those that love God can be lead astray from God due to Satan's deception and lies which he uses to sow "seeds of doubt and discord". 
"Well no I mean like he can't be stupid enough not to listen in to me or you talk verbally, or see what we're typing."
Me: "Satan is a (fallen)angel. Therefore SATAN IS NOT omnipresent or omniscient like God is. That means that Satan cannot be in more than one place at any one time and Satan's knowledge IS limited. He can't read minds. Satan is immortal but God ultimately has power over him. So Satan is immortal but he's no god. Satan cannot create another being and give it life. In fact Satan is the opposite. While God commands us to build up others and not tear them down (love your neighbor as you love yourself), Satan is the polar opposite. He comes to 'steal, kill and destroy" and roams over the Earth "seeking whom he may devour." Satan is not ultimately concerned about WHAT he pollutes your mind with, it's what knowledge he can keep out of your mind (that of God) by keeping you distracted or deceived into believing otherwise the truth and knowledge of God that is his goal. And he does a damn good job of it. "Enter ye the narrow gate: for wide is the path, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction." 
"Why wouldn't God just like, jail him so to speak to cause him from doing all this?"
Me: "Because Satan's "life" and the consequences of his choices are still being "played out" as our's are. It is because of the sin that Satan wrought that true love is created. Because true love is a choice and comes from free will. Forced love is not love at all, therefore we have to choose between God's path and the "path that leads to destruction". You can't have light without darkness and you can't have good without evil. It's as simple as that."
Now for the best song about Satan from my favorite Christian band. 
Let's all sing together now, "My hands have taught me terrible things/HIS HANDS HAVE SET ME FREE!"


Collecting State Quarters. Who here also collects?

I've been collecting State Quarters for about a year now, just whenever I find them "in the wild." I now have nearly a full collection. I do still plan on purchasing an ACTUAL mint collection as well one of these days. Anyone else here collect them? 
I thought I'd write down my collection for my own sake so I can keep track, just in case I lose the paper I have them written down on. 
1. Alabama - OWN
2. Alaska - OWN
3. Arizona  - OWN
4. Arkansas - OWN
5. California - OWN
6. Colorado - OWN
7. Connecticut - OWN
8. Delaware - OWN
9. Florida  - OWN
10. Georgia - OWN
11. Hawaii - OWN
12. Idaho - OWN
13. Illinois - OWN
14. Indiana - OWN
15. Iowa - OWN
16. Kansas - OWN
17. Kentucky - OWN
18. Louisiana - DON'T HAVE
19. Maine - OWN
20. Maryland - OWN
21. Massachussetts - OWN
22. Michigan - OWN
23. Minnesota - OWN
24. Mississippi - OWN
25. Missouri - DON'T HAVE
26. Montana - OWN
27. Nebraska - OWN
28. Nevada - OWN
29. New Hampshire - OWN
30. New Jeresy - DON'T HAVE
31. New Mexico - OWN
32. New York - OWN
33. North Carolina - DON'T HAVE
34. North Dakota - OWN
35. Ohio - OWN
36. Oklahoma - DON'T HAVE
37. Oregon - OWN
38. Pennsylvania - OWN
39. Rhode Island - OWN
40. South Carolina - OWN
41. South Dakota - OWN
42. Tennessee - OWN
43. Texas - OWN
44. Utah - OWN
45. Vermont - OWN
46. Virginia - OWN
47. Washington - DON'T HAVE
48. West Virginia - OWN
49. Wisconsin - OWN
50. Wyoming - OWN
51. Guam - OWN
52. Northern Mariana Islands - OWN
53. District of Columbia - DON'T HAVE
54. Puerto Rico - DON'T HAVE
55. American Samoa  - DON'T HAVE
54. U.S. Virgin Islands - DON'T HAVE
Wow. I knew I was closing in on having all of them but I didn't know I was this close. :D Only TEN more! Woot!


Who here likes Power Rangers?

So while on my vacation, I thought I'd start up watching Power Rangers again. Last time I watched seasons 1 and 2, but then stopped on Season 3 about half-way through. 
Season 3 is the season before Power Rangers Zeo, which is the season that I CAN'T WAIT to get to. However it's now been about two years since I last watched those seasons, lol. So it's been a while. Although I had started up season 3 again no less than three times, but never completed it. Hopefully fourth time's the charm!
I've always been a fan of Power Rangers though. I can't beileve it is still going. Some of the newer stuff is insane. Like Power Rangers SPD, Ninja Storm and Dino Thunder. Those are the seasons that I can't wait to get to. The special effects are pure madness. I remember reading an interview with the producer of SPD, and him saying that he was literally pushing Disney as far as they could to create bigger and bigger explosions. He said he had gone up to feature film degree and kept pushing to see how far he could go. So awesome. 
But I know there are several pretty lame ones as well after Power Rangers In Space (which is one of my favorites) but I plan on sitting through all of them just to see them and give them a shot. I haven't even seen a glimpse of what they've done in the last year or two. The last new one I even saw was "Mystic Force" which seemed pretty stupid. 
Anyone else here a fan of the Power Ranger series? And if so what was your favorite season? Is there anyone that never stopped watching it and remains a fan from the good ol' days? It came out in '93 in America so I know many kids here are barely even the age of the series. Which is insane.


Fortune Cookies!!!!!!!!!!!

So, I've been keeping my Fortune Cookie slips of paper to compile a wealth of knowledge that only comes from these magical cookies. I have decided to share that knowledge with the world. FEAST YOUR EYES!
 1. A Charming Friendship Is In the Making
2. Cooperation Will Work Better
3. Accept the next proposition you hear.
4. Remember three months from this date. Good things are in store for you.
5. Patience is one of the hardest virtues to master.
6. Now is the time to go ahead and pursue that love interest!
7. A perfect statue never comes from a bad mold.
8. IT only gets better when YOU get better.
9. Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you havea nd only you can determine how it will be spent.
10. The Man who has no imagination has no wings.
11. Do not mistake temptation for opportunity.
12. Seeing your smile always brings smiles upon others.
13. Do not put off till tomorrow what can be enjoyed today.
14. Efficiency is doing better what is already being done.
15. There are three kinds of people. Those who make it happen, those who watch it happen, and those who wonder what the heck happened.
UPDATED: 8-4-10
16. Your wisdom is a treasure for all time.
17. Negotiations move along smoothly. The outcome is favorable!
18. We find comfort among those who agree with us--growth among those who don't.
19. Take a vacation, you will have unexpected gains.
20. Your troubles will cease and fortune will smile upon you. 
21. Courtesy is the password to safety. 
22. To be upset over what you don't have is to waste what you do have.  
UPDATED: 10-3-10
23. A family reunion in the coming months will be a tremendous success! 
24. Smile. It makes your day brighter as well as the days of those around you.  
25. After a big storm comes tranquility.  
26. A good movie will inspire you to reach for the stars.  
27. A distant relative will phone you soon.  
28. You will be successful in a business of your own.  
29. The star of riches is shining upon you.  
30. No one can walk backwards into the future. 
I'll update this with more Fortune Cookie goodness and wisdom bits next time I get Chinese Food. ;) 
Oh and #9 is by far my favorite. So awesome.


Articles from my time as editor of the high school paper!

 I've been spending a lot of time cleaning up my room, organizing things and getting stuff placed away that is still left over from the move. 
While going through the boxes, I found an issue of the high school newspaper (The Shooting Star) from when I went to LifeSkills. That's where I earned my high school diploma after initially dropping out. 
In the issue are two of my articles. The coverstory was actually written by me and it was about Bush's "State of the Union" speech in February 2005. The other article is in the videogame section (which I headed) and was about the portable market. I also have typed copies of a Resident Evil 4 review that I also wrote for the paper. I thought it'd be fun to post up the articles here. 
Article #1 - Cover Story - "Bush's State of the Union Address - Plans for America in 2005"
The big news in politics in early February was President Bush's State of the Union speech. The State of the Union Address is given once a year, by the President, to discuss the economy and other developments in the US. Including, what we are doing and where we are heading. 
In Bush's speech, he covered a wide variety of topics: from health care, immigration, overhauling the tax code, new forms of energy so we aren't dependent on foreign countries, education, jobs, troubled youth, and the War on Terror. The majority of the speech focused on Social Security and spreading freedom across the world, among other things. 
The speech itself was powerful and emotional, with tears being shed when a family who's son died fighting for his nation in Iraq was highlighted, and when an Iraqi women who's father was murdered by Saddam; stood proud amidst roaring applause as she voted for the first time in the Iraqi elections. 
Social Security is one of the biggest domestic issues right now, as Bush is proposing to add new private accounts, which would take a portion of the social security money you pay into your own account, where the money would grow over time, larger than what is offered from social security, would be free from government intervention and which you could pass to your children or grandchildren. 
So far most Democrats seem united against the idea, with the majority of Republicans in support. Bush is willing to work with both parties on an agreement, highlight in his speech even an idea proposed by Bill Clinton in the 90's for fixing Social Security. Many options are on the table, and all idea will be considered. And for those over 66, there are no worries as they wont' be affected. 
  There were a lot of interesting topics discussed in the speech, even amongst strong party differences. 
In the end, the state of the union was said to be strong, and set to keep growing and improving as old institutions are reformed and the US continues spearheading the War on Terror. To check out the speech in its entirely, log on the internet and point your browser to   
Article #2 - "All About the Games - 2005 The Year of the Portable"
2005 is being called "The Year of the Portable". For the first time, there will be over five handheld game consoles all vying for a piece of your wallet this year.
Nintendo has always had the largest piece of the handheld market with their Game Boy line of handhelds, ever since the original Game Boy's release in 1989. To this day, Nintendo is still THE dominant force in the handheld market, as the Game Boy Advance (GBA) & Advance SP continue to sell through the roof year after year. 
However, for the first time since Sega's Game Gear, released in 1991, Nintendo's dominance is about to be severely tested by the March release of the PlayStation Portable (PSP). The PSP is Sony's first foray into the handheld market and is set to give Nintendo a run for their money. Nintendo came prepared however with last November's release of their innovative dual-screen handheld, the DS. The DS has two screens, the bottom of which is a touch screen, a built in mic, and wireless play over Bluetooth, for an innovative gaming experience. 
The PSP has superior graphics capabilities, as well as the ability to play music and movies, and also supports Bluetooth, but it lacks the innovation of the DS with its unique touch-screen game play. 
These two handhelds combined with the upcoming release of Tiger's expensive & powerful Gizmondo, the already-released Tapwave Zodiac, Nintendo GBA and the Nokia N-Gage, the portable marketplace is about to get really crowded. 
When choosing a system to buy, examine the various features of each and choose based on your gaming interests, the price, and what games are available and upcoming. If you like Nintendo titles and innovation, the DS can't be matched. If you are big on power, wow-factor and want more than just games from your system, the PSP is the perfect choice. If you are looking for a cell phone and also enjoy games, the N-Gage does both. Or if you are a high-tech device person and have money to burn, then check out the underdogs: Tiger's Gizmondo and Tapwave's Zodiac. Both offer features that no other system has, such as a built-in camera and GPS tracking for the Gizmondo & PDA-like features on the Zodiac, but will cost you over $200 with fewer games available. If you want to take the safe route, the GBA SP offers hundreds of titles, support from virtually very developer, backwards compatibility and comes at a the lowest price point of $99.99. 
Whatever your interests, there is something to go around for everyone this year in the portable sector, meaning the consumer wins. And that is the way it should be.  
Article #3 - Resident Evil 4 Review

Holiday season '04 turned out being one of gaming's biggest ever in regards to top titles, with the likes of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2), Metal Gear Solid 3 (PS2), Halo 2 (Xbox), Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (GameCube or "GCN"), Doom 3 (PC), Half-Life 2 (PC) and many more being released within 3 months of each other (Oct-Dec.). The result of all that end-year activity usually means that the industry is dry by the time New Year hits. But not so in '05. Because of all the big-name titles in '04, '05 started off with a bang as publishers delayed their other big titles to avoid competing with the holiday releases. And the firs game to kick-start the banging was Resident Evil 4 (GCN), released only days into the New Year and already being heralded as a contender for Game of the Year.
In development for years (Devil May Cry [PS2] originally started out as Resident Evil 4), the newest game in the Resident Evil ("RE" for short) saga set out to rid itself of established conventions that had bogged the series down; giving a fresh take on RE that's more focused on action. Indeed, the game lives up to it's aspirations.
RE4 has been given a full 3D coat of paint, with beautiful, highly detailed graphics, and a new over-the-shoulder viewpoint that allows for precision aiming. The pace of the game is much faster than previous titles, and puzzles are few, far between, and easier than before, rarely interfering with the action. 
In the game, you play as Leon S. Kennedy (from RE2) who, after the Biohazard outbreak and the zombie carnage that ensued, joined up with the US government once the Umbrella Corporation was disbanded. Assigned to protect the President's family, he finds himself in a remote part of Europe when the president's daughter is mysteriously abducted. If this all sounds foreign to you, don't distress, no knowledge of Re's rich background story is needed to enjoy this title, as it stands on it's own, only slightly adding to the overall RE mythos.
The true highlight of RE4 is its cinematic presentation and its spectacular boss fights. The run & gun action of RE4 is relentless as you blast away foes with a cavalcade of weapons. The movie scenes are jaw dropping,, and many scenes use a new interactive mechanic that places Leon's fate in your hands, as the movie scene plays, by having you pressing buttons during certain moments to keep Leon alive. Other scenes of this ilk have you jamming on the A Button to sprint away from oncoming foes or runaway boulders, timing button presses during an incredible knife fight sequence, and much more. These scenes are truly amazing and they give the game a unique feeling by having you involved instead of just watching. 
All said RE4 is a must-have title for anyone with a GameCube. The game lives up to the Resident Evil name while driving the series fullbore forward on all cylinders into new uncharted territory and features excellent graphics, a great storyline, the token spooky atmosphere, smart new enemies that attack you in swarms and make the previous RE's zombies look like petting zoo animals, great fat-paced gameplay, lots of unlockables and extra modes and so much more that I don't have the space to mention. 
Resident Evil 4 will be a GameCube exclusive until the end of 2005, at which point you'll be able to pick it up for the PS2. But why wait? On a scale of 1 to 10, RE4 snatches that coveted perfect 10 from me. Evil is calling, and there's a shotgun with your name on it. :)
It's fun to go back and read these again. I'll post pics of them as soon as I get my scanner hooked up. Thanks for reading. :)

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