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Best of 2010

Atwa: Best of 2010

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  • From the mastermind Hideki Kamiya, out of nowhere came Bayonetta aiming to take on the giants of the beat em up genre. And boy did it ever, i picked it up and never looked back. It has tons of attitude and style and is probably the most satisfying game to play of all time.

  • I'm not ashamed to admit that i am a World of Warcraft-junkie. I started playing it back at the Korean open beta and was hooked ever since. With Cataclysm Blizzard manages to retain what makes us love WoW while still changing up enough to make it feel fresh all over again.

  • Released in 09 in USA Demon's Souls dragged on all the way into 2010 for an European release. I got it straight off the release day to see what the fuzz was all about. What i got was one of the best RPG's i ever played. Challanging and extremely addictive with some very innovative online elements make this a true masterpiece that every PS3 owner owes themself playing.

  • If you would try to define a 'hidden gem' you would find a picture of Nier in the description. A HUGELY satisfying JRPG with an amazing story, great characters and dialogue with fun gameplay to boot. Nier is truly one of the most underappreciated games of all time. Shame it has been so overshadowed by other RPG's with prettier graphics.

  • Enslaved is a testament to the fact that games do not actually need to cut gameplay to offer a cinematic experience. The main focus is delivering a great story with characters that actually feels human. Enslaved really nails it and manages to surpass games such as Heavy Rain in terms of cinematic atmosphere while still having gameplay that is a joy to play.

  • I adore the Street Fighter franchise. It is the best of the best when it comes to fighting games in my book. With Street Fighter 4 last year bringing back the fighting games into the mainstream scene Super Street Fighter 4 manages to take it even further this year with new characters, stages and moves. With the Arcade Edition soon due out it just keeps looking better and better for the Street Fighter brand.

  • Just Cause 2 is a testament that games dont need long complex stories to make a good game. It is just pure explosive fun and will remind everyone why they love gaming. Oh and who doesnt have a weak spot for a good grappling hook?

  • There is no denying that the RTS genre was looking bleaker and bleaker every year. Except for Dawn of War there really was a abundance of high profile RTS games on the market. That is of course until Starcraft 2 hit. Blizzard once again shows their true colours and gives us one of the best RTS games ever made.

  • Gran Turismo have always been something special for me. It has always delivered the most realistic graphics, the most spot on car phyics and gameplay and copious amounts of content that almost seem daunting at the outset. Gran Turismo 5 retains most of these aspects but somehow manages to feel unfinished in several areas. It is not the huge leap forward i was expecting but still remains the best racing simulation on consoles to date.

  • I am not entirely sold on the entire play, create and share concept. Mostly because i suck at creating stuff or that everything thats being done is just taken from other games, usually these games also suffer in the gameplay department in favor of massive creation tools. That is not the case with Modnation Racers, even if we should leave out the insane amount of cuztomisation it still is one of the most fun kart racers i have played. I am almost prepared to claim Mario Kart dethroned.