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audioBusting's 10 GotY 2020 list (+10 personal resolutions for 2021)

2020 was the straw that finally broke my gamer camel's back. Over the past few years, I have been feeling progressively tired of how video games get discussed, by myself and everyone else, and I think I'm totally done with it now. I don't really care to seek out game discussions the way I liked to do anymore. I don't even really care about most GotY lists anymore, but I think it can still be kinda fun so here I am writing one anyway. For my own sake, I want to at least be more aware of how I think and talk about games, and change myself for the better. For this list, I'll pair the games with like, new year resolutions that I want to try, and will NOT attempt to justify any of the game choices themselves. I'll even whine about stuff more than I will talk about the game. I'll get into the why in the list itself.

List items

  • One thing I've been getting more aware of is how some of us like to rush out to voice our Two Cents on whatever is in topic, however relevant, before anyone even asks, sometimes even before the thought was fully formulated in our heads, perhaps to subconsciously avoid our fears of running out of conversation and being confronted with our constant and immense sense of loneliness. I've reached a point where I think most of these opinions are not even valuable, since popular opinions are, well, popular, so it is really rare for anyone to have a particularly insightful opinion off the cuff anyway. It tends to be the same conversations over and over and over again. Do I think like, maybe this time I can say it better? Was it even a different person that I had this conversation with?

    What I've gotten sick of the most is when it is about technical criticisms. It now bothers me when I would, say, to use an analogy, look at a painting and say to whoever is next to me, either "well, I don't like this painting because I don't like the kind of paint it uses." Or worse, "I do like this painting, despite the kind of paint it uses." Do I really care what kind of paint a painting uses? Honestly, at the end of this kind of conversations, I just end up pissing myself off now. Like, I might care if I was a painter, but that is a whole other thing. What I'm trying to say, I guess, is that as a liker of games, there's not always a point to picking a game apart to no particular end, and it's starting to feel detrimental and makes me want to close my phone and go read a book or something. Something I've been learning is that it is not always productive to voice out criticism (not even constructive criticism), nor should it be given out without invitation or context (especially when it's directly to the authors themselves; that's rude!).

    Anyway, this long ass preamble is kinda my way of saying that I actually don't care what design or technical problems Umurangi Generation has, nor do they truly affect what I'm getting out of the game, nor do I really want to talk about (or hear about, TBH) those problems to(/from) most people I know anymore. Not even the best of my friends. I'm just completely over it. I'm putting this as my top game of the year and I don't care to justify it to myself or to others anymore. I don't care that I played 80 hours of Hades and shit myself and therefore it deserves the top spot better, I'll just put these things on the list however I feel like. I'm tired of seeing things repeat over and over in an increasingly predictable and frustrating manner. These days I feel that all I want to do is just take shitty pictures of the end of the world, in a way looks right enough to my continuously deteriorating eyes (which is very concerning, by the way, with the way my hand coordination has been getting worse too), even if I don't know how to operate a camera, or whatever this painfully extended analogy represents. Maybe I'm just having an early mid life crisis, I don't know. Anyway, Umurangi Generation is at the top of this GotY 2020 list, and my top "Gamer's Resolution" of 2021 is to refrain from making too much specific/technical criticism on games, especially in public. Oh, but with a caveat I haven't mentioned. I will try to not make criticism unless it's REALLY funny.

  • I think everyone has a version of this this year. Maybe you started learning chess, or mahjong, or get into mechanical keyboards (which I also did, btw). Me, I've been picking the violin back up as a hobby, and it's been quite fun. Why does this count as a video game, A K A electronic entertainment, you ask? Well it's simple: I got an electric violin! (lol.) I got a super cheap set, and honestly it sucks to set up and play and I kinda hate playing it and I think any serious violinist would cry at the sight of it, but it's fascinating to me how dodgy it is. I think it's a funny instrument, for some reason. I've been practicing some basic scales and learning little easy pieces, some stuff from game soundtracks here and there. I'll probably eventually end up getting some effects and an amp to play with, like a dad in a mid life crisis (starting to sense a pattern here), and gosh maybe even a nicer violin to play.

    This brings up what I want to do for 2021: I want to enjoy more games/things without trying to defend myself over it. I shouldn't psyche myself out of things I enjoy. Heck, I think I would know better than The Haters how much (and in what way) does the thing suck. I'm the one playing it! I guess it does kinda boil down to "Don't Listen To The Haters". Even in this entry I have to stop myself from making excuses for why I have this bad violin. Who cares! I'm the one playing the violin. I should just enjoy it!

  • I haven't even played this to the end yet. I'm putting it as number 3 kind of as a protest, because this is another one that I've always hated hearing the conversations to. And understandably so, because it is a difficult game to talk about! Not only is it a video game (is it art? uh oh!), it is also a heavily culturally-relevant magical realist fiction that my soft brain could barely follow by the third playthrough. But actually forget it I don't care to comment on the game anymore, so I'll just use this space to whine about the games discussion trend that, for some reason, extra bothers me in 2020: games grabbing or bouncing people. We just can't stop commenting on the material of these video games, whether they're made of rubber or glue! What's up with that!!! I swear, this year (2020), every time someone says "didn't grab me" or "bounced right off" I'm about to "grab" my phone and "bounce" it off the concrete outside! I will never say this. I will just say I didn't play it, or better, not even comment on it at all! I guess the silver lining is that I think the word "hooked" has fallen out of favour, and being compared to rubber is better than being compared to narcotics, I suppose.

    Beyond that, my resolution for this entry is kind of an extension of #1, in that instead of talking about the technical aspects of games/whatever, what I want to try this year is to examine the text more. Why is it so hard to talk about what's IN the game! Sometimes it's a matter of spoilers, but even after knowing everyone finished the game, it can still be hard to talk about what a game means to me. This goes to Umurangi, KR0, Outer Wilds, and whatever other cool shit that made me think about stuff. I hope I can get good at this eventually.

  • I can't believe practically one guy made this game, and it feels like it's made just for me. I can throw a dart to any part of this game and be like yeah I do love Sid Meier's Pirates!, which came out 16 years ago and no other game has hit the spot since. Yeah you read right, I just said they don't make them like they used to anymore. Strike 3 for an early mid life crisis.

    Hey I'll also use this to talk about GotY in general. There is a brain infection that makes me consider even from like 5 minutes into a game, "Could this game be the best GotY of all time???" It's like I'm constantly considering marriage AND divorce on the first date. Don't even tell me yeah people do it and it's good, it's cool to keep a literal binder of potential marital partners actually. I know people like you exist (at least TWO people have told me this exact thing before!), and you've lost your mind. I like making GotY lists because it's fun to look back and review what's happened this year (a lot did happen huh!). When it turns into something I think about all year, I have to start questioning what the point of it even is. Like in what way is this frame of reference valuable to me as a person playing a video game. I think it sucks to play a game this way, and honestly the thought crossing my mind kinda partially ruined my enjoyment of Horizon's Gate because I was like, this has to be a top 10 game of 2020 right. And then I kinda didn't keep playing the game. For 2021, I will try to not think about GotY 2021 at all, not until 1 January 2022 at least, so I can just enjoy games as they are without having to make them compete against other games in a mental video game dogfighting ring. I don't care which game is better than which, and it doesn't matter. I will just play or don't play the dang games.

  • OK here's where I want to shout out a completely different thing, but don't worry it will make sense eventually. Tender Frog House ( is something that helped me think about a topic that's been in the back of my mind for the past couple years, about the relationship between communication, honesty, and aesthetics, with a more informed background on the philosophy than my stupid ass. I always feel like it's frustrating to try to say this without making myself seem like a jackass, that progressive counter-culture aesthetics can eventually turn into a form of conservative, potentially manipulative thing itself. What was it, "shoddiness that drifts with the flow of familiar speech." (shout out to Theodor Adorno). Prior to Tender Frog House, I didn't really think about how aesthetics (and don't ask me what aesthetics is, I'm not really sure myself how to word it, go ask someone with a PhD in art or something) is like a form of language. And like words, they can be used to lie.

    Food is something that is prone to this (I told you this will make sense eventually!), especially in media where you can't taste or smell the food being depicted. This is an incredibly broad and significant topic that I'm not going to get deep into on a goty list, but there's certain aesthetics attached to how food is prepared and presented that can be deceitful. What those weird short videos that get shared around that make epic meal time look like chumps do, for example. I was pretty surprised to hear in the CSD3 Quick Look this year that chubigans was not really a "foodie" type person, but it kinda makes sense. I find the CSD games fun in a way that doesn't get caught up in the foodie aesthetic trends too much, or maybe more that it kinda misses the target a little bit (but for the better). It also feels earnestly nice and hopeful about clinically accurate, violently competitive food preparation.

    I kinda forgot where I was going with this. I guess what I wanted to say is that I want to keep these things in mind going forward, and avoid getting all caught up with aesthetic trends more than the... uh, whatever the opposite of that would be? To not equate aesthetics to what the game is actually about? I guess this is actually another extension to #1 and #3.

  • This one's maybe the most damn, I don't want to hear what anyone says about this game, out of all the games on this list. Just let me simp for Shimomura in peace.

    OK this resolution is an easy one to explain. Yoko Shimomura has a concert happening fairly near me this year and, oh please for the love of God, I hope I can attend. I will wear a hazmat suit if I have to. I really hope things will work out by then.


  • Yeah yeah hades rocks everyone loves it innovative in its genre and I'm so horny blah blah. That's enough of that. I'll just talk about Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter for the Sony Playstation 2 instead. Not enough people talk about Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter for the Sony Playstation 2, so I will keep mentioning Breath of Fire V Dragon Quarter for the Sony Playstation 2 in 2021. It's a real weird tactical roguelike-ish RPG made by Capcom and released back in 2002. It's incredible! It has one big dragon meter in the corner of the screen throughout most of the length of the game, which I could only fill up using dragon powers, and when it reached 100%, which happened to me on literally the final boss fight of this JRPG, I freaking died! I died and the game ended and I had to start over from the beginning of the game! It's insane! Starting the game over will repeat a lot of the story beats, but will also reveal new story bits that you can't see in just one run, giving it a meta narrative layer that tries to keep it interesting for players on their successive runs. Sounds familiar doesn't it?

    In conclusion, bring back Breath of Fire V Dragon Quarter in 2021! My heart skipped a beat when I saw Capcom upload the soundtrack to the game on Steam, all of a sudden, in this year 2020. Just the soundtrack. Come on Capcom, just kill me with that dragon meter, and throw my dead dragon body down the elevator shaft already. Please!

  • It's funny game. I don't have much more to add, other than that I will definitely finish this game with my good friend Josh by the end of 2021. This theoretically should be easy to accomplish, so I will look like a freaking idiot if this is the one I fail out of all of these.

  • I'm adding this here as an "in memoriam" sort of deal, because this game(/platform?) straight up just died and most people have never even heard of it. This had stories written by well known writers, with well known brands (X-Files?? Titanic???), and they simply wiped it off the face of the earth and it's just gone now. I enjoyed those stories! I don't know when it happened but this sort of arc has become so normal now, and it's kinda wild to think that PT was 6 years ago. Some people paid for this app to read some extra story content, and they were given what, a 2-day notice to use it all up? I don't really have much to say about the whole situation other than: it's sad! RIP Storyscape.

    I have been documenting stuff I've been playing in a sort of diary (check out my 2021 diary list on my profile if you like), but I'm thinking about what else I could do in case stuff like this happens. Do I want to start streaming or recording stuff I play? I don't know, I don't want to stress too much about this stuff, but I think I want to consider this stuff more. This is a pretty vague one I guess. Oh well.

  • It's still the same game, and honestly it maintains the streak of me opening the app and going "lol" at the crazy shit that happens in it. It's still bursting with a frankly stupid amount of content. They got a crossover with Mickey freaking Mouse in 2020! There was a real-train-sized Christmas gingerbread train as a fashion accessory. There was yet another UI redesign and it's still hilariously awkward. This game just continues to operate on a completely different plane of existence.

    Sorry, yeah, this is just my obligatory entry to continue my GotY bit. At least give me some credit for dropping FFXIV off the list! Anyway, this year I will for sure continue to play Love Nikki and FFXIV. I will NOT think about putting them on the GotY 2021 (see #4) but I'm pretty sure I will enjoy them still.


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Hey great list, thank you for writing it, I really like the way you write.

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