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30 Days of Gaming : Day 11

It feels nice to be on track. SMOOTH SAILING FROM HERE ON OUT. That is, assuming the course isn't set for the northwest pacific.  

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PlayStation 3

 It only does about 25% of my game library
 It only does about 25% of my game library
While I tend to play on my PS3 and 360 a fair amount, the game time spent on the PS3 far outweighs that spent on Microsoft's platform. It's not at all an "I like Sony better lololol" reason or anything, it's just simply the same reason most others will pick the 360-- all my friends are PS3 owners. Seems to me that the US is generally dominated by the Xbox 360, while over here you'll find that Sony users kind of outweigh Xbox users. Couldn't tell you why, though the sole exception to that rule are dirty redneck Quebecers. But the day I count them into any kind of equation is the day I throw myself off the overpass that's a block away from here. 
I've got more trophies than achievements, I have more friends on my PSN list and I have more purchases on the PSN store, so I invariably end up playing most of my games on Sony's console. Unless the 360 version proves to be substantially better, I'll end up playing third-party games on my PS3, though my 360 is there when I need it for platform exclusives. I just fear turning it on any time I play a game since I always get the impression it's only moments away from blowing up. That thing sounds like an airplane turbine, I tell you. 
That said, I love them both equally. The only upside to the PS3 is that it doesn't threaten to throw an E74 error at me every time I put a disc in.  

Days of Gaming Recap!

Feb 13th, 2011 - Day 1: Your Very First Videogame
Feb 14th, 2011 - Day 2: Your Favorite Character 
Feb 15th, 2011 - Day 3: A Game That Is Underrated   
Feb 16th, 2011 - Day 4: Your Guilty-Pleasure Game     
Feb 17th, 2011 - Day 5: Game Character You Wish You Were  
Feb 18th, 2011 - Day 6: Most Annoying Character
Feb 19th, 2011 - Day 7: Favorite Game Couple    
Feb 20th, 2011 - Day 8: Best Soundtrack  
Feb 23rd, 2011 - Day 9: Saddest Game Scene  
Feb 26th, 2011 - Day 10: Best Gameplay (Part 1)  
March 11th, 2011 - Day 10: Best Gameplay (Part 2)  
Now lemme get back to Dragon Age II, will 'ya!


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Edited By aurahack

It feels nice to be on track. SMOOTH SAILING FROM HERE ON OUT. That is, assuming the course isn't set for the northwest pacific.  

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PlayStation 3

 It only does about 25% of my game library
 It only does about 25% of my game library
While I tend to play on my PS3 and 360 a fair amount, the game time spent on the PS3 far outweighs that spent on Microsoft's platform. It's not at all an "I like Sony better lololol" reason or anything, it's just simply the same reason most others will pick the 360-- all my friends are PS3 owners. Seems to me that the US is generally dominated by the Xbox 360, while over here you'll find that Sony users kind of outweigh Xbox users. Couldn't tell you why, though the sole exception to that rule are dirty redneck Quebecers. But the day I count them into any kind of equation is the day I throw myself off the overpass that's a block away from here. 
I've got more trophies than achievements, I have more friends on my PSN list and I have more purchases on the PSN store, so I invariably end up playing most of my games on Sony's console. Unless the 360 version proves to be substantially better, I'll end up playing third-party games on my PS3, though my 360 is there when I need it for platform exclusives. I just fear turning it on any time I play a game since I always get the impression it's only moments away from blowing up. That thing sounds like an airplane turbine, I tell you. 
That said, I love them both equally. The only upside to the PS3 is that it doesn't threaten to throw an E74 error at me every time I put a disc in.  

Days of Gaming Recap!

Feb 13th, 2011 - Day 1: Your Very First Videogame
Feb 14th, 2011 - Day 2: Your Favorite Character 
Feb 15th, 2011 - Day 3: A Game That Is Underrated   
Feb 16th, 2011 - Day 4: Your Guilty-Pleasure Game     
Feb 17th, 2011 - Day 5: Game Character You Wish You Were  
Feb 18th, 2011 - Day 6: Most Annoying Character
Feb 19th, 2011 - Day 7: Favorite Game Couple    
Feb 20th, 2011 - Day 8: Best Soundtrack  
Feb 23rd, 2011 - Day 9: Saddest Game Scene  
Feb 26th, 2011 - Day 10: Best Gameplay (Part 1)  
March 11th, 2011 - Day 10: Best Gameplay (Part 2)  
Now lemme get back to Dragon Age II, will 'ya!
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Edited By Hot_Karl

The PS3 is a phenomenal system all around, for games or media playing/streaming. With that said, I use my Xbox a lot more just due to the fact that my friends are on Xbox Live, not necessarily on PSN. Xbox Live is also a much better online service, but I've beat that debate into the ground a long time ago. Also, I love Achivements, not Trophies, especially since I have a rivalry going on with a couple friends- chasing points is like chasing that dragon, if you catch my drift. 
So point is, I prefer using my Xbox, but even I know that the PS3 is a fantastic system as it stands and is very much worthy of being the "one" console that gets the significant amount of playtime.

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I can't get over how fragile the Dualshock 3 feels, it's my only major complaint with the system.

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Edited By Nasar7
@TheSeductiveMoose said:
" I can't get over how fragile the Dualshock 3 feels, it's my only major complaint with the system. "
Did you have the same problem with the DS2? This complaint always comes off as odd to me as its basically the same controller its always been for the past, what, 13 years?
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@Nasar7 said:

" @TheSeductiveMoose said:

" I can't get over how fragile the Dualshock 3 feels, it's my only major complaint with the system. "
Did you have the same problem with the DS2? This complaint always comes off as odd to me as its basically the same controller its always been for the past, what, 13 years? "
Yeah, I did.
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Edited By Nasar7
@TheSeductiveMoose: Hmm. I've never actively disliked any game controller except the original xbox one. That was terrible.
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Edited By Vinny_Says

Yep the dualshock feels weird, not a bad controller just weird, and at this point I'm at 41000 achievement points, might as well hit 50 thousand before the next systems come out....

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Edited By aurahack
 @VinceNotVance: I should of mentioned what you just did, which is that the PS3 is my media hub. The 360 is a terrible system for media streaming and an even worst system for playing DVDs. Doing all that stuff with the PS3 is a breeze and doesn't make my DVD movies/shows look like complete garbage. 
@Nasar7: @TheSeductiveMoose: I honestly am pretty indifferent towards both. I think the DualShock has the best design of them all, but the 360's analog sticks are infinitely superior to those on the DS3. On the flipside, I don't understand why I still need fucking AA batteries in a modern console controller. 
@blacklabeldomm: And I'm level 12 when it comes to Trophies so... yep! :P That also seems to be a pretty decisive factor on both systems. Luckily, I wasn't heavily invested in achievements when I got my PS3. Had it been otherwise, I'd probably be playing most of my stuff on the 360. 
Or not. The lack of a large, built-in hard drive still bugs the ever-loving shit out of me. *still has a 20GB*
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Edited By recroulette

PS3 cause of the friends thing.  
The only issue I have with the 360 controller is hitting the back button on accident when using the dpad. But otherwise it's not bad.

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There's so little real difference in Xbox and PS3 nowadays.
No matter which of those two you pick, there's gaming aplenty to be done, and both have got excellent support for online services and what not.
I just like the Xbox controller better personally, alto nothing beats a gamecube controller.

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Edited By aurahack
@TaliciaDragonsong: As much as I hate the C-stick and the awkward placement and size of the Z-button, I'll be god-damned if those L and R triggers aren't the best I've ever pressed.
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Edited By beargirl1

i end up playing my xbox more often than my PS3 because all my friends play on Xbox-- it's why i got one to begin with. ever since, my PS3 has been collecting dust until the occasional point where i have some sort of gaming binge on it.  
i really wish i had more reasons to play my PS3, because i'd be damned if it wasn't a terrific system. i'm kind of surprised my xbox is still working. i always feel like it's about to destroy my disc and stop working whenever i have a game that's not installed running in it. 

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Edited By iam3green

the ps3 is where it's at. i haven't touched my xbox 360 for a while now. i have just been playing black ops on ps3 because i just kind of got into it more with leveling. i just prestiged my 3rd time now, and i'm about level 17 or so. i've been meaning to like play something on my xbox 360.

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Edited By JJWeatherman

SMOOTH SAILING FROM HERE ON OUT. That is, assuming the course isn't set for the northwest pacific.      

Hey!  :( 
(Wait, now I'm thinking you meant the northwest region of the Pacific Ocean, and not the Pacific Northwest of the USA. I'll just be offended either way. Problem solved.)