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Device Connected - Episode 14 (25/06/2012)

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Oh hey, somehow updating within a month’s time frame. RADICAL. Let's celebrate with a banner redesign.

Sorry I haven’t been keeping up with proper updating. I’ve been busy, fortunately with good things. I like being too busy with good things to do something else I enjoy doing. It’s like putting aside cake to eat delicious ice cream.

Or something.

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Between doing a truck-load of artwork in both personal and professional capacities, gaming, discovering music, finishing my recovery from my wisdom teeth removal, and catching up on TV, I’ve had a busy time over this past June.

I’ve been doing a ton of artwork for various reasons, the biggest of which is the upcoming Otakuthon convention here in Montreal. From August 3rd to 5th, I will have a table at the artist’s alley for the first time! I’ll be selling a bunch of prints and posters, some of which I already completed!

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I’m also working on a Diablo III piece which I plan on finishing by the start of next week. It’s a bit more involved and is taking me considerably more time than the Journey and Fez pieces did. After that comes some Persona 4, Portal 2, Batman, and Deus Ex stuff. I think. Not sure about Deus Ex yet. I’d do some actual anime stuff, but I literally haven’t watched any anime at all recently. People seem to be shitting themselves over The Legend of Korra, though. Maybe I should watch that. Maybe.

On the personal side of things, I’ve been doing a metric ton of birthday drawings because it seems everyone is born in the summer. Can’t complain--I love to draw--but it’s awfully bizarre to finish a drawing and have to do one the next day. Maybe parents secretly talk to each other to organize this type of shit.

I also drew myself again. A new playthrough of MGS 4 prompted me to attempt to draw something silly, and I ended up drawing what is probably my favorite drawing of me that I have ever done.

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You should also check out Color Corrupt, the tumblr blog I have set up for art. I post there pretty often with art-related nonsense. Sketches, full drawings, commission work. It's a fun place. CHECK IT OUT, Y'ALL.

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HEY VIDEOGAMES. I play those. I beat Shadow of the Colossus, which was awesome. The end of that game is something else. The last boss fight was easily one of the coolest monsters I have seen in a game recently. The mood, the music, the design--all of it tops.

But stupidly enough, what I have been playing most is Modern Warfare 3. Why? Face-Off maps came out on PS3 not too long ago. I would very seriously like to know who took the reigns over at Infinity Ward because they deserve a considerable amount of credit. The Face-Off maps are terrific and the game mode is a ton of fun. Oasis, the new multiplayer map, is also a ton of fun to play on in both TDM and Domination. It’s well-designed, flows well, and has a bunch of great spots to hawk over.

The content they’re also releasing later on (some of it already out for 360) is also terrific. The three new FO maps (Vortex, U-Turn, and Intersection) are all looking like a ton of fun too. Alongside that is the now-official news that a remake of Terminal is coming to the game for free, which I am ecstatic for. It was easily my favorite map from Modern Warfare 2. But seriously guys--free. FREE. In a Call of Duty game. Rumors of new guns and more new game modes are also very exciting. It’s a good time to be a Call of Duty fan, it seems.

I’ve also started playing through MGS 4 again. What a batshit crazy game that is. I had completely forgotten about the TV channels and shit at the start of the game, Drebin, nanomachines... you’d think the most insane people made that game, yet it plays so fucking well. I can’t wait to keep playing. If only I didn’t have so much art to make, argh!

I’m also thinking of selling my DSi and its some-twenty games I own for it.. I haven’t touched it in ages, and don’t plan to in the future. I need the money and I’m hardly dying to play anything on it. Then I could finally get Mass Effect 3, especially in lieu of the incoming Extended Cut DLC.

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The past month has also been a terrific time to love music. Some killer releases and some discoveries have made June a ton of fun to listen to music. For starters, Starkey released a four-track EP called Nucleus this month for free on his Facebook page. I had been listening to Ear Drums and Black Holes a whole bunch that week, and then I saw him post on his Twitter of his new EP. It’s not bad. I can’t say I’m a fan of “Nucleus” (the song) but “Fantasy” is super-addictive. Proper Starkey right there. The two other tracks on the EP are alright, but “Fantasy” is the real star. I'd post a Youtube link, but no one has even posted the song. Bummer. :c You can get the EP for free, though, at his Facebook site.

The biggest of this month’s releases though is easily Netsky’s new album, 2. I... S... Li... Guys, this album is fucking amazing. I have no idea how he fucking does it, but I never could have imagined that a follow-up to his self-titled debut would have completely exceeded all of my expectations. It’s a fucking incredible DnB album with touches of dubstep, electro house, and drumstep--all of them insane. Here are my two favorite tracks off the album.

“Puppy” is so fucking pro. I can’t get it out of my head. I pause other albums just to have a quick listen because I compulsively need to listen to it. It’s amazing, just like the rest of the album. So good. SO GOOD.

I’ve also been going through stuff I should of really listened to earlier, like Skream and edIT. I don’t really need to dabble on Skream a lot because he’s such a known capacity, but it’s worth saying Outside the Box and Skream! are both incredible albums. Terrific to listen to. I’m particularly fond of this track off Outside the Box:

I should have also really listened to edIT way earlier than I have. I’ve only been recently starting to explore IDM (save for The Flashbulb’s stuff which I adore) so I decided to give Crying Over Pros for No Reason a try and my god, what an album. I don’t dislike a single track off it. So very strong.

His Certified Air Raid Material is also absolutely boss, despite the incredibly large difference in sound from Crying Over. Loud, heavy beats with killer vocal work. I love it! I think I like Crying Over a little bit more, but if I would want to see more of either, it’d be CARM. Easily. Here’s one of my favorites off the album:

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What a season it’s been for F1! I should have written up a blog for Canada, as my hometown race was unbelievably exciting. Unpredictable all the way through and one of the most exciting ends I’ve seen. Kimi lasted 40 fucking laps on his tires! 40! Nuts. Iceman do what Iceman do, I guess!

But if there’s a race that everyone is going to talk about at the end of this year, it’s going to be Valencia. Street circuits are always a complete bore thanks to narrow roads, slow corners, and little overtaking, but last weekend’s race proved everyone wrong. A ton of contact, crazy position changes with Alonso, Webber, and Schumacher moving from the bottom of the grid up into the points, heart-racing battles for podium places, and a flurry of mechanical issues that heavily changed the end-outcome of the race.

But some of it... man. As much as I like Kobayashi, he pulled off some shameful shit in the race. I feel like his incident with Senna was a little of both’s faults, but his incident with Massa was clearly on him. Both those incidents were hardly as shameful as Maldonado’s, though. He continues to be a fucking embarrassment to Williams. His on-track performance can simply not make up for what an ass he is. Sending Hamilton off-track because he was too arrogant to back off when he was OFF THE TRACK is absolutely inexcusable.

I’m also pretty bummed that my man Grosjean had technical issues. :c He had a real fighting chance at first place, but I suppose that will have to wait for Britain. DOMINATE SILVERSTONE MAN. DO IT. For me. Please?


That’s about all I can think of that I have to talk about right now. At least, I think.

Oh wait, no, there’s other stuff. But I can’t talk about that yet. Maybe next week. :)

See you then! (I hope)


I'd also like to add the addendum: Thank you to everyone who posted on my last blog about IGTM. You are seriously the best. I fucking adore the Giant Bomb community. Thank you. <3