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Evangeline Lilly

I've been fanatically obsessed with Evangeline Lilly lately, but all that paid off, because I just made the best damn Evangeline Lilly article right here on Giantbomb! Check it out here. I've been hesitant to add pictures, if I really wanted to I could probably get thousands of points from the gallery I've been making on my HDD over the past couple of days... Maybe I will do so tomorrow. Right now I need some freaking sleep.
Luckily I managed to spot this and include it in my article. That top is amazing.




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Edited By Bennyishere

I've been fanatically obsessed with Evangeline Lilly lately, but all that paid off, because I just made the best damn Evangeline Lilly article right here on Giantbomb! Check it out here. I've been hesitant to add pictures, if I really wanted to I could probably get thousands of points from the gallery I've been making on my HDD over the past couple of days... Maybe I will do so tomorrow. Right now I need some freaking sleep.
Luckily I managed to spot this and include it in my article. That top is amazing.