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After playing Red Dead 2 for 20 minutes I will never play another game without horse testicles dynamic or otherwise.

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I had a couple thoughts today

Today I was thinking how odd it was that there's no male equivalent of the Fag Hag, something like the Dyke Dude. Best friends with a full-on butch lesbian. You could annoy the wife by telling her you and Norma are going to go play a few rounds of golf and come back and spend the rest of the day working on the porch. I think this would be a good sitcom idea. 
I also realized it would be useful to invent a Vandersloot Rating system in which each country or city was assigned a Vandersloot rating, based on a 1 to 10 scale, that corresponds to how much danger they pose to the average American tourist. You could also apply the Vandersloot system to a numerical Vandersloot Chart and make a color-coded worldwide Vandersloot Map with the most dangerous areas being bright red (a Vandersloot 10) and the least dangerous areas being a subdued blue (a Vandersloot 1.) For tourists outside of the USA a Vandersloot Map of the United States could be created. It makes no sense that, for example, in Michigan a Japanese tourist could go from a Vandersloot 2 to a Vandersloot 8 in less than a quarter tank of gas - it would be wicked useful.  
I don’t know if these have been done yet. Years ago after realizing that black people get hurt too I thought I had invented the concept of Ethnic Band Aids, but I later saw them in the store.  
I'll make sure to keep you updated on my thoughts as they occur.