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BiG_Weasel: Favorites

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  • Being a fan of Warhammer for years, this was the natural successor to World of Warcraft for me. It offers deeper, more worthwhile PvP, a darker, grittier world, and an always-changing tide of war.

  • The first Mega Man game I ever played, Mega Man 2 ate up a lot of time during snow days when I was in elementary school. It was one of the earliest games I ever remember beating, and lead me finish the entire series from the first game onward. Even though Capcom's worn him out, the Blue Bomber will always be a personal fave.

  • Groundbreaking. Breathtaking, Free time-destroying. That's how I'd classify Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. I bought this one on day one when it came out for the PSX, and again when I found out it was a bonus hidden game on the PSP's Dracula X Chronicles.

    The non-linear path, the leveling system, the music, and the boss fights are all the major draws for me. I can play this one through at least once every couple years because there's so much to it.

  • The first and still the best in the Metal Gear Solid series. No convoluted plots, No stupid La De Loo De Lo (or whatever you call 'em), no Raiden, and *very few* cutscenes make this one of the best stealth action games ever.

    Kojima should've stuck with this formula rather than make a movie with game elements. MGS was actually fun to play, and I still like to challenge myself to go through the game without killing any guards.

  • Simply the best Star Wars game ever made. It was your first glimpse at playing an Imperial character, and getting to wear those cool black TIE space suits. The game had a great storyline, intense combat, and well.....Darth Vader. I wish LucasArts would ramp up production on another X-Wing or TIE Fighter game series for the PC. They don't know what a cash cow they're sitting on.

  • Why did I pick MW4:Mercs over all the others? One word: Solaris. I've been a Battletech geek since the 80s, and the very malleable MW4 framework lead to some great online play. Sure, I miss the by-the-book Mech creation that previous MW games had, but the online play in Mercs was simply better.

    I'd give anything to go back in time and play in the leagues I joined in the 90s. Good times...good times...

  • I bought SupCom when it came out, and my wife got me FA for Christmas 07. FA's a definite improvement over the original game, and it helps that it's a stand-alone expansion (mostly because I kept FA and sold off SupCom).

    The scale and scope of the game is what really grabbed me. Being able to zoom in on the action and back out to the entire theater of operations is a huge boon. Although everyone says the armies are completely different to play, I disagree. There are subtle differences, but nothing that I would consider a 'game changer' for me. The basic tank/aircraft/ships are very similar, and it's not until the higher tech levels that you get the unique experimental units. However, it's not often I get to that point unless I just turtle up and wait.

  • I had the misfortune of getting a red ringed 360, getting it replaced, and then promptly selling it. Because of that, I missed out on Gears of War. Luckily for me, Epic had the good sense to release a PC version that was much better than its console brother. I absolutely despise trying to play a shooter with anything but a mouse and keyboard.

    Although the "stop-and-pop" gameplay is nothing new, Gears does it better than most. The squad's AI is pretty decent, and the characters are all memorable. Although Marcus and Dom are the central focus, one can't help but chuckle at Cole. This is one I'll be revisiting down through the years.

  • Back in the day, I was very much into Warhammer 40k. When DoW game out, it was a return to the setting I always enjoyed. Each subsequent expansion set for DoW improved on the original, and it all culminated with Dark Crusade. It went beyond level-based gameplay, and added the element of a world map. Moving troops, reinforcing garrisons, and eliminating the enemy has never been so much fun.

    And don't forget that you don't need the original game or any previous expansion to play Dark Crusade (at least by yourself- you can't use the previous armies online without the keycodes). I can't wait until DoW II comes out later this year (2009).

  • I got the original God of War from my wife for Christmas one year, and loved it. When I got my 2nd PSP (after stupidly selling off the first one), I had to try out GoW on the thing. I can't believe what they were able to do in this game. I honestly feel like nothing was lost by going from the TV to the hand-held screen. The action remains the same, the dialog is just as good, and I can take it on vacation with me.