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Game of The Year 2014 Users Choice

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  • A perfection of batman combat with a more fluid feel and a sword. Skill advancement was compelling and the Nemesis system kept it all fresh and entertaining.

  • Besides the beautiful artwork and amazing soundtrack, the ending made my cry manly tears.

  • I have put a lot of hours into this game. It's fun and engaging and it executes well on the important aspects of a city-builder that Sim City seems to have forgotten.

  • It was a rocky ride. There were some characters I never cared for, but the 3rd episode was great and the finale really got me. I also think there are some more subtle themes running throughout that I haven't really seen anyone mention.

  • We only have the first episode, but it's already been a light and energetic ride. And it's actually funny! This is how you make funny video games, folks.

  • I'm not so sure about this one. I like it mostly because I'm a sucker for old-school adventure games. It's got a nice art style and the story seems interesting, but it hinges heavily on how the as-yet unreleased second half plays out.

  • The perfect game for a long wintry night with a hot cup of cocoa. It's tone is dark and brooding, but oddly serene considering you could die any moment.

  • The summertime counter to The Long Dark, Eidolon captures the essence of a solitary walk through a familiar forest, with just enough of a mystery to keep you walking.

  • This game is cool. Fast-paced sword action with a constant give and take between opponents. It's an instant classic, assuming you have someone to play it with.