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Thank you, Jess and Jason

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I just got my yearly subscription for Giant Bomb. Can't wait for my t-shirt! I don't really need HD video for mobile because my mobile phone does not use internet, and I don't mind the advertisements, but I do enjoy Hapy Hour, and I am glad to support the team!


Suggestions for the Bomb

I have some suggestions to enhance this website. Instead of followers I would like it to be changed back to friends. You ask for a friendship which has to be approved, and then you are friends. But if we are not going to go with the friends idea, then give us a way to view the users that are following us and not just those who we are following. 
Another cool thing would be to be able to search for those users that are geographically near to you (only if the user has it listed what area they are in.) 
There should also be milestones at the 10,000 and 15,000 wiki point mark. Maybe at 10,000 wiki points you could edit or delete trivia questions. Maybe if you reach the 15,000 wiki point you could delete images that are not appropiate for a page or the site. 
Regarding trivia questions, I have seen some of them that just ask "Know the answer?" and they give you four choices. But you don't know what the question is asking. It's stupid.   
Also there needs to be a way to cancel or delete an account. I know for sure that Anime Vice lets you do it. Why can't Giant Bomb? 
When you put in a long caption on an image it does not save the whole caption. It only saves the first few words. 
I noticed there are no "fuzzy dates" for character pages. I have been editing some Street Fighter characters, and these characters do not have years attached to their dates. An option for a "fuzzy date" would be helpful. 
There should be years posted along with the game box cover when you search for a game. When I search for NBA Jam (and want the original Jam), I can't remember which is the cover.  
When I use Internet Explorer 8 and watch the Happy Hour on Fridays I cannot see the chat comments. (I can see the video, but I don't see any of the comments people make in the chat.)   Also when I am using this same browser for filling in text for a comment or wiki contribution if I scroll so the customization bar is out of screen (the bar that has the buttons for hyperlink, bolding, italics, underline, etc.) the bar disappears when I scroll back up.
This site is great, and I hope it keeps on improving because it is not perfect yet:)


Estudié español y un poco francés en la universidad. Ahora estoy aprendiendo portugués. 
J'ai étudié l'espagnol et peu un français à l'université. J'apprends maintenant le portugais. 
Eu estudei o espanhol e um pouco francês na universidade. Eu estou aprendendo agora o português.


World Cup 2010 South Africa

The World Cup is finally here, and I am ready. Most of the games are in the early morning here, and I have been waking up early so I can catch them live. I am going to rrot for the United States of America and Mexico. I was living in Mexico for the last World Cup in 2006. People were so excited! If Mexico and USA could get to the round of 16 and win their first games there, I would be content.

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