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CODBO2 - Improvements I enjoy

So with any COD game the negative posts will have a ratio of 1000000:1 for the positive. This is one of those rare posts.

My COD Background:

Own both a 360 and PS3 and have played almost every COD on each platform. For PS3 MW3 I got up to #4 (world ranking for PS3) for hip-firing and average around 1.5 – 2 KD. I would say I am above average without going into autistic mode (aka: uber gamer).

Improvements I enjoy about CODBO2:

· Instead of kill streak they changed it to points. For me this may not reduce the camping or people not doing the objective but it sure doesn’t help those people. So if someone is chasing a Score Streak they will hopefully go for the big point items as kills in objective games are worth smaller points.

· Ghost is now unlocked at level 55 and if a player is sitting still the UAV will show them on the map. One of the biggest complaints in any COD with ghost in it is ghost campers. Still again you can never fully get rid of camping but this one change alone will make it so much harder to be a good camper. You know some campers will not read that small detail and think they are safe in their corner and bam have a tasty grenade.

· The 10 point custom class feature. In all COD games there have been the 2-3 classes that everyone runs. Now you can customize how you like to play the game. For example I created a hip firing class with 1 primary sub machine gun with 3 attachments (quick fire, extended mag, laser sight for hip firing), no secondary, and doubled up on both my tier 1 and tier 3 perks for speed and agility. I of course have more defensive/offensive classes created for objective games but in team death match or free for all this is my play style.

· Knifing seems much more balanced. In most COD games one knife swipe within a 5 ft radius was enough for any easy kill. Now you can knife (non throwing) someones face and they will usually live. A knife to the back is still an instant kill and should be. I have already encountered a few knife classes running around and if I see them before they have a change to back stab me I end up winning most of the time now.

· More vertical objects. The last few COD game had their few stairs going into a building or truck you can climb on. It feels that they took this to the extreme. Almost every little area of the map has 2-3 objects they you can climb on or over. This of course does lend itself to more places for floating head shooters. Never understood how your gun behind an object and you with your head just over the object could still shoot but that is a big technical challenge with all shooters so I can live with it.

· The helicopter sounds like it is farting when shooting. My character died by laughter not bullets.