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Penguins, Incest, Fabulous MAX, and Philosophy 101

So today I'm going to talk about Mawaru Penguindrum, a currently running show about penguins being cute and brothers who want to have sex with their dead sister who was brought back to life by a magical hat.

Mawaru Penguindrum is Ikuhara Kunihiko's third directorial/writer job, with his other two being Sailor Moon and Revolutionary Girl Utena. When this show first started airing 13 weeks ago, no one knew what it was going to be about and still no one really knows what this show is about but so far there have been four main threads that have connected the episodes.

1. The brothers, Kanba (Red Hair) and Shouma (Blue Hair) quest to obtain the Penguindrum (which seems to be a girl's diary) for their sister Himari.

2. Oginome Ringo's (the owner of said dairy) quest to become impregnated by Shouma's high school teacher so that she can become her dead sister, Momoka.

3. (゜Д゜)<生存戦略ーーーーーっ!!!> ROCK OVER JAPAN. Welcome to Rock’n Roll Night. Welcome to Rock’n Roll Fight. I’m just a Rock’n Roll MAN. We’re just a Rock’n Roll BAND.

4. Penguins being cute.

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