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Minecraft, possibly my game of the year.

I bought Minecraft a few months back and loved it. I only dabbled in the single player as at the time the survival multiplayer wasn't working properly, and Minecraft to me is all about that survival element. Continuing on against the odds, making something out of nothing.
I played the game an obscene amount in single player, so much so that I burnt myself out before I'd even seen half of what could be done with the game. A couple of friends had also bought the game and we decided that when the survival multiplayer was fully implemented we'd get a server of our own set up and play it to death, and so last week we got our own server and we haven't been able to stop playing.  
It's just so compelling. Our first night was spent in a terribly dug hole in the ground, whilst we waited for sunrise to make the journey across the sea to some crazy looking mountain formations we'd spotted. We've now got a sweet base of operations at the bottom of that whilst the top of the mountain is currently being flattened before 'Tirade Manor' is built on the top with our mining operations down in the mountain below. One of our mining sites was getting a bit too big so I set out in doing something I'd yet to try in Minecraft, and make a basic minecart system to save us walking for several minutes each time we needed to stock up on supplies. An hour or two later and we've a basic, operational minecart system. Figuring out how to get it working, and then actually seeing it running was just a brilliant moment, so insanely satisfying to see it, and now my brain is ticking over thinking of hundreds of different things I could try and get working with this.  
I can understand that Minecraft isn't for everyone, and this rambling blog post isn't meant to change that, but I just had to get this off my chest. 
Well done Notch. Minecraft is, definitely my game of 2010.