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Oh Dear

 Well, thanks to the endless onslaught of Steam sales this year my library has grown to a staggering 146 games. I’ve completed maybe, umm, 6 of those. I’m being generous there. My list was terrible to look at so as our Minecraft server is currently down (I pay for this?!?) I decided to sort it out. 

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Which leads me onto the point of this post, and a topic we’ll likely talk about on the next podcast. Next year, I’m going to actually play through this list. No more impulse buying of games on sale, at least not until I’ve finished some games. One completed game = a new game I can buy.

Will I manage it? Probably not! But I can try anyway and if nothing else I'll have some stuff to blog and talk rubbish about! Think of it like a video game related new year resolution.