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TL;DL 24: you are not (red) E

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Hello Fellow Fellows, come now and join us for another Episode of the classiest Mother Loving podcast around. Apathylad takes the reigns as host once again, for I had to spend another weekend doing tv show stuff that sadly didn't get anywhere.

Thankfully it doesn't stop these guys from talking. Apathy is joined by DolphinButter, Ossi, Sidescroller and special guest appearance by Early TL;DL alumni Tiwi-chan. So gather around the campfire children, they're going to tell Playstation Ghost stories.

In the loop, this time around.

  • Naruto Ninja Storm 3. If you're a fan of Naruto, then this is the continuation of the game for you.
  • Tomb Raiderz
  • Metal Gear Rising, in adequate discourse. Yay? Nay? Hay-hay-hay!
  • Playstation 4 was announced and there was a controller, and there was tech, and there was community. Stuff! Things! Drama! Explosions!
  • Durr-stiny. (hah! I made a joke!) Don't worry, Sides gives you reasons why you should probably be excited!
  • Maunster Haunter 3DS and Wee-you.
  • Tiwi dedicates the end of the podcast to playing the N64. More importantly, Smash Brothers.

There we go, that's a podcast! Um, I should be back next week, but give this one a listen. It's a good one. Guarenteed to entertain for at LEAST an hour. As usual download is right here, or you can wait for it to show up on iTunes.

Thanks for listenistening,

Big Popa-Lapti

Edit: I forgot that I wanted to share this. Apathy went through the trouble to make it, and it's been one of our favorite TL;DL moments that have happened. So here, I'ma share it: