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I played Final Fantasy 14 for well over 600 hours this year. Not only is it my # 1 GOTY it takes the top 3 spots too!

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My God, What Have I Done?


Welcome to the first of what will be – God willing – many more blogs in a series I like to call, “My God, what have I done?” Where I will document the silly and non typical things I do surrounding my interactive entertainment routine. So without further adieu, let’s begin with the first one.



Ever wanted to play a game that was a sequel in a series? Ever been told to play the first ones that way you can catch up on the story? How many of you actually do just that? Well with the exception of Mass Effect I hadn’t. Not for Assassins Creed 2, or Uncharted 2. But from what people have said about this game it is imperative to play the first games in the series before diving into the latest adventure.

That game being Metal Gear Solid 4.

Now I’ve never been a real fan of the series, having never played them, with the exception of barely trying out Metal Gear Solid 2. However I never finished the first level on the ship. Don’t really know why I gave up. Maybe it had something to do with the controls or how I was fighting an army of assault rifles with my teeny silenced pistol.

Other than that I only knew of the games from its infamous story. So it made a heck of a lot of sense to play the first games that way I would not be lost in a when I would eventually venture into part 4. But why start now? Why do I have the urge to play part 4? I have absolutely no idea, maybe I’m realizing that I’m missing out on such a beloved series. And this is my chance to atone for my sins?

I dunno.

But what I do know is that if I want to play the game I have little choice than to play the first three games. So I went out and bought the Essential collection. Just so I can prepare myself for the conclusion.

Considering how long it takes me to complete games in their entirety I can expect myself to begin playing MGS4 at or around when the Cubs win the World Series.