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Cigarettes and Coffee, Fuel to a addict

Rather than discuss games, I thought I'd talk about the worlds greatest killer, Tobacco. Well, its not really the worlds greatest killer. That trophy goes to Leon from The Professional. It does have a better K/D ratio than you could ever imagine having. The fascination of being cool in High School started with these little trouble makers. I can remember walking by the Starbucks every morning next to our school and seeing the groups of fellow students sipping on overpriced coffee and cancer sticks while discussing yesterdays news, who talked shit about who, who made out with who, who put toilet paper rolls in the science wings toilets just to get out of a test, thinking how awesome it would be to join them and actually be accepted. Everyone goes through these dark times of figuring out where exactly it is you fall in life and for me, a high school freshman, this happened to be difficult to do. Until I had a pretty decent conversation with a future smoking buddy in Algebra 2. After that I got someone to buy me a pack, walked to Starbucks and stopped to socialize rather than do what I did every other day, which was keep on walking past and head home. I can remember the enjoyment I found in those years of cigarettes and coffee before and after school.  
That was simply my exposure to these tasty yet dangerous "friends". After high school many of the people I socialized with went on with their lives. I see these people every once in awhile but most of them I haven't seen once in the four years since my graduation. The only friend I've stuck with since high school is the five dollar pack of American Spirits you can find in my glove compartment. Sad part about it is that I don't even like hanging out with them anymore, its an ugly relationship we share. I wake up and don't want anything to do with them. Thats what I tell myself at least but with in a few hours of breakfast and work I find myself wanting to hang out, see whats new, usually ends up being the same old. I go ahead and follow through with this sudden urge. I grab my bic, my friend, who I then light on fire, standing outside left to myself with no unique experience and the sound of burning tobacco and paper.. After a few moments catching up, I put him away along with my bic and go back to whatever it was I was doing. Often regretting ever catching up. This is what happens nearly six to seven times a day. It truly is a nasty habit. 
I've tried quitting cold turkey but often find myself picking up a pack after a few days to start catching up once again. I've gained nothing from our relationship other than bad breath, breathing problems and hands that smell of burnt tar. If anyone ever tells you they smoke because they want to and have been smoking for more than a few weeks, they are lying. They smoke because nicotine they have already put in their system as passed and their brain starts to crave more, so they themselves start to crave another encounter  with this deceitful buddy. I just purchased a pack of nicorette gum and  are about to start a journey. Because thats what quitting cigarettes becomes, its not as simple as ignoring calls or emails from someone you no longer want to talk to. Because this friend will always find a way to suck you in. Only thing you can do once you get addicted to their company is look it in the face and kick it in the nuts.