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*sigh* years almost over...

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The 2018 Playlist! Episode 0: Intro

So on January 1st I got a platinum trophy for Tekken 7. Useing and a list of games I had that I either haven't started or maybe stopped playing due to a number of reasons. The wheel picked "Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition" and for the past several weeks I have been playing it and decided to start a blog about the games I will play this year, maybe two or three post per game depending on how long the game is and what not. I will also post the list of the physical disc games when I beat one and show what is the next game. I will post maybe a little review, how many trophies I got once done and if I would play the DLC or leave them be.

So coming soon will be Episode 1: Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition (PS4)

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