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"Video Games and Education? EVIL!" says Marlene Perrotte

When I was younger and having a hard time studying subjects like spelling and math my mom, in her woeful attempt to help me, kept saying "Think of (place subject here) as a video game!"  
At one point after hearing her saying it for the five hundredth time I finally had to say "Thats the dumbest idea I ever heard!" 
I'm not knocking video games saying there is no way they can help education, but when I was growing up and my schools had old ass Apple IIs the education games they had weren't really all that great. Most times the kids (myself included) would just go and play Oregon Trail just to hunt and see what kind of cuss words we can get away with typing on the tomb stone after killing everyone in our party. Yeah there were other games I enjoyed playing, like the one where you are a time traveler, mainly cause the travel parts was a bit like a side scroller flying game, another where you were Lewis and Clark, and of course later on Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?  
I been out of school for 10 years now, and really didn't think too much about the issue of edu-tainment games till I read this from destructoid and gamesrader:  
In the article it tells about how this old hag of a woman is upset that the school is useing a FPS Math game to teach math. She cries about how kids aren't learning and how this was just feeding children's addiction to video games. The school system says they are just trying to get kids interested in learning.  After reading the story from this site I wanted to see if this lady and the "group of angry parents" maybe had some kind of web site or something where maybe they will say what the school should be doing, or give some better idea as to what kind of game or program should be used. 
But I doubt that they would have any better idea than "hammering the info into the kids head until it sticks... or till they pass the dumb down state required test at the end of the year!" 
The main thing I got from these articles was they were more mad that it was a "violent" video game (doesn't really help that the game and program was funded by the Department of Defense) but the video cilp in my second link shows no blood and gore, just the player solving math puzzles using lasers. 
My two cents on this: Sooner or later video games will be a part of school, people like Marlene Perrotte looks like they type who would be more pissed that the schools weren't teaching intelligent design and what Glen Beck told her on Fox News about evil schools than if children were really learning.  
(I bet she doesn't even know what prime numbers are!)