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#1  Edited By BothBarsOn

I'm kind of intrigued by the idea of PC gaming but I don't know where to start. I've been idly poking around in the PC sections of other gaming sites and  I have to say, I don't think a lot of PC heads realise how off-putting they sound to outsiders. It tends to go like this:

Innocent, hopeful beginner: "I'm thinking of getting into PC gaming. I've been looking at this Dell blah blah. Do you think-"
Everyone: "Don't be a moron! Build your own rig! Pre-builts are for old ladies! You're not an old lady, are you? ARE YOU?"

I know, I know. Technically, building a PC is just snapping pieces together, but then, technically, performing a heart and lung transplant is just moving meat around. It's not a prospect that a below-average Joe like myself would relish. Don't get me wrong, I love reading about the high-end rigs that serious experts put together (and I like using the word "rig"), but I'm never going to have the nerve to try it myself. I've only ever used a hermetically-sealed Mac, so installing a new graphics card would be an adventure for me ... 

Anyway: would anyone care to recommend a reasonably priced beginner's gaming PC? Something that will make me forget there's such a thing as an Xbox 360 but won't break the bank (say <$2000)? So long as it was made by someone else and then put in a nice box, I don't have any other criteria to go by.

A much longer post than I intended - sorry for that and thanks in advance.

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#2  Edited By BothBarsOn

Halo 3 is a mystery to me - not why it's so popular but why I personally am so terrible at it. I'm OK at most shooters. In Halo 3, it's like I've only got one hand.

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#3  Edited By BothBarsOn

I hate about 90% of the people I've encountered on Live. It's depressing.