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Far Cry's got some weird gameplay mechanics...

At some point the game gave me a little insight on what the hell I was doing. Weirdly enough, it took the game nine missions to tell me "You're screwing both sides... Now you shall be pwn'd.". And infact, that isn't a spoiler. The game allows you to switch sides off and on with the APR and FCLL from the first minute. Because you're as rogue as the next foreign numnut that wants to dance around between blood-diamond warring idiots.

With the statement that came from a Dutch-American-Israelian-Colombian-Australian-German-African; "Why are you helping the both of them, you idiot. You're allowing them to liberate this country.". At that point, I was thinking "What the hell stands the last L for in FCLL? Liberty... Right? What was I supposed to give them? Lesbians? Liquor? The L-word?". I mean... Should I expect people that feed me diamonds like Kellogg's to go rogue on me?

Oh... Right... The corruption of the country tore it apart in the first place. God, I am stupid for thinking there actually was a faction fighting for the good of Africa.

Now, that the story's a bit... wacky is one thing. The game gets me confused alot of times.

  • Now, in the very introduction of the game... You're told to get the hell out of a hotel that's being blown to hell by the two warring factions. How? Well, you're supposed to die. I didn't realise that: So I shat my pants and I nicely tucked myself away behind a counter for 10 minutes before a dude with a MAC10 came running inside tearing me 30 new assholes. Then... The game actually continues.
  • Then, the game always allows you to use a buddy to make missions 'easier'. While you're still as alone as you always are; He does the 'hard work for you'. Not specifically saying he'll blow the entire camp to hell and get shot down by the stragglers YOU have to kill. It's not really easier, infact - You have to drive to two distant locations, cause for whatever reason the fool never picks a safehouse close to the thing you gotta blow up/kill. Talk to him, take a rusty 'good looking' gun and kill some random guy who 'is involved'. All in all, it's a distraction.
  • At some point, I was told to get my ass out of the town and hole up in a bar. I get ambushed from all sides, my buddies that should've helped got gunned down within seconds and I just sat there in a corner where they couldn't get me. Waiting and the occasional headshot, as I was dumb enough to bring a sniper-rifle to a close-quarters fight. Until roughly five grenades flew in - Blew me to hell and "Mission successfull". I just sat there staring at the screen: "You could've told me that I should go dead like the rest..."
  • A while after that, I was in some doctor's office. City gets under siege, and I'm told to leave the backdoor to escape unnoticed. Yeah, weirdly enough after dying five times that way, because over a dozen enemies would ambush me in that little alley; I tried the front door. Two enemies I saw, and the rest took care of them selves, killing eachother. Again, I felt like the game was cheating on me. "The backdoor would allow me to sneak away, huh? Goddamn idiot..."
  • Also, if buddies are so usefull. Why do they end up mortally wounded at the end of EVERY mission? I mean, it's scripted. Your buddy always gets nailed down in the end of a mission. Always.

Some weird gameplay ideas... Die to proceed, and buddies make it only more difficult.