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FEAR 2: The morning after.

One well timed and well placed sexual inuendo in the title. *nods to the games' ending*

I'm curious to what sick twisted mind thought this game up. Not the gameplay, as there it's all a blend between the Gears of War 2 madness and Call of Duty 4 in terms of chaos. Madness? Chaos? Well, think lots of over-the-top gore that not even John Woo can top and then mix that with OMGWTFNUKEHITUSALLGETTHEFUCKUNDERNEATHYOURDESKORFACEINSTANTVAPORIZE.

Without spoiling too much, Alma is more fucked up than ever. Hell, the story is even more revealing than Alma's wardrobe. And she's nude! Heck, if it weren't for the hair and the not-so-direct angles of the camera, Chris Hansen would've struck gold here. In a nutshell, Alma's after your ass because your involvement with Project Orgin has given you those powers that allow you to slow down time and go Rambo on those fake pricks. Oh, right, and those powers which Alma loves to abuse to fuck your head sideways as if you just shroomed up.

But that's the motivation of the game, being rushed through dark hallways with Alma scaring the shit out of you every six or seven minutes...

Right, what else can I say about the game? Pretty decent. Lots of combat. Less mind-fuckery. Hit-or-miss online. Decent milage. All in all, a game which you'll have to think twice about before buying it cause of the blend between scares and action. But if you do buy it, you're getting yourself a fairly okay game. Worth the sixty bucks. Perhaps.

Moving on to something slightly different. Kieron Gillen, you're a schmuck. Now here's to him hopefully Googling his name for insults. Innovation, my ass.