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GoldenEye: Source...

Allow me to go eightyfive year old grandpa on you;

I remember back in the days, playing GoldenEye on the N64. Four player splitscreen, all yelling "C'mon, that's BULLSHIT!" like the early symptoms of becoming the stereotypical Xbox Live player we are. I, holing myself up in the toilets on the Facility map, covering the perimeter with proximity mines and a 12 Guage Shotgun. My buddy Paul, who owned the game, charging with the AK, kicking all our asses. The third guy, Jim(R.I.P.) running about, not knowing what the hell the controls are. And the last fella', Jeffrey, finds new ways to super-camp the Golden Gun.

That all changed when Paulie got Perfect Dark, we never played the "Best FPS ever" together ever again. Though, it was because of Perfect Dark simply being better. Putting all bots of "Brutal Vengance". One good player, one mediocre, and two reaching new lows per gun they find. Paulie, in love with the phenomenon "RUN! THEY'RE COMIN' FOR US!". Me throwing around N-bomb's and blinding everyone, including myself, Jimmy shooting tons of holes in the walls, but somehow not hitting the enemies and Jeff who simply says "Fuck it" and goes to hide out underneath a bunch of boxes, blowing the hell out of everyone that passes.

It's been over four years since I last played 007: GoldenEye. I own a copy of Perfect Dark, but I don't have one of those packs, and can't play Single-Player.

Seeing as I got 'em Steam games running again, I figured I'd download some mods. GoldenEye: Source being one of them. And damn does GoldenEye: Source look alot like 007: GoldenEye. Copyright infringement FTW! Anyway, it's got all the maps revised in Source format. Props, items and most textures used from the HL2 engine. But the extreme gore, and the ragdolling - Priceless.

To name something, the walking down a hallway on the Citadel map(Big open radarplatform, roughly 80FT above ground), and hearing a shotgun blast, followed by watching the poor bastard smack his face against the walkway you're walking on. Followed by watching him drop all the way to the ground. It's got all the guns, levels and even some custom stuff. It's truely a total conversion.
