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"Stealing" Kills

I'm sure many of you have been accused of stealing a teammate's kills. Hell, I used to get upset when a teammate stole my kills, but I eventually learned that getting upset is absolutely ridiculous. While playing Counter Strike last night, a fellow teammate was angry with me and bitched about it the entire match. Whenever a round ended, he would kill me and pick up my weapons. Petty shit like this happens a lot in Halo, which is one reason why I took a break from it.

There is no such thing as stealing kills, especially if you're part of a team. If I see a comrade in a firefight I'm not going to standby and give the enemy an opportunity to get an extra kill. Or maybe there's a chance that we're both aiming after the same target, there should be no reason for you to get angry. We're a team so let's act like it. If you want something dead, kill it faster, aim better, use more skill... do something other than screaming like a maniac. This isn't limited to children either, grown ass men get all butt hurt about this. It's ridiculous and does nothing but increase your chances of losing.