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Breadfan's Breadbasket #7: World of Breadcraft

Ah yes, World of Warcraft.   The defiler of souls and the destroyer of lives around the world.  I have always strayed away from MMO games, mainly because they never appealed to me.  A few weeks before Christmas I gave in and accepted a referral from a friend of mine, which allowed us to get triple experience whenever we played together.    

 As I began my adventure in the world of Azeroth, I was first tasked with creating my character.  Now I don't know about anyone else, but I can spend forever creating a character in any sort of role playing game.  So I spent a few minutes browsing through the various races and classes, finally settling on a Night Elf Hunter.  Once that was all done with, I was off to play the actual game. 
The starter quests for the game are quite boring and require you to collect x and bring it to this dude over here.  It would have been a lot more boring if I was not gaining three times the usual experience for running to some guy, talking to him, then running back to someone else.  I tried not to make a judgement on the game at this point, you can't judge this sort of game from the early stages.   
 I like turtles.
 I like turtles.

Anyway, as I began to leave the lower level areas and set off for some exploring I began to get a grasp on the game.  I must admit that I was fairly overwhelmed when I began, but I soon found my footing.  I got the same kind of feeling when playing Oblivion, 'I'm gonna run over there and see what's around.'  A lot of my early experience with the game was just that, running around saying 'I wonder what's over that hill' (this was intensified once I got a mount and was able to travel that much quicker). 
This is where I should probably mention that I ended up buying the World of Warcraft Battle Chest, which included the Burning Crusade.  I still don't really know what the differences were between the original game and the expansion, since I have no prior knowledge of the game, aside that it added two new playable races.  Along with the expansion, I was given a free month of play which is set to expire in a few weeks. 
 I had to do it.
 I had to do it.

At the moment I am level 43 and I finally feel like I have a grip on how the  game works and I don't feel like such a newcomer.  The only problem that I have with the game is that it well, doesn't end.  I can't really see myself playing World of Warcraft months from now, mainly because I like games that give you an objective rather than casting you out into a persistent world that never really ends.  So my goal is to try and hit level 60 or 70 by the end of my trial and call it quits there.
Aside from being banned on the third day of actually owning the game, thanks to these kind fellows who thought it would be fun to flag the new guy for spamming, I have had some fun with World of Warcraft.  I can definitely see why it has amassed over 12 million players, but honestly I cannot see how many people can play it for as long as they do.