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Gotta Catch 'Em...Wah?

It has been a recent inside joke in the Up Down Left Right podcast that I have been playing Pokemon Pearl.  I would not say that I am addicted to the game, considering I have been playing less and less of the game as time passes, but I have invested many hours into the game.  There is just something about the game that makes me want to play it, it is probably because I have such fond memories of the classic Red and Blue games that I played during my childhood or it could be my annoying sense of needing to complete a gam as much as I can.

With so many new Pokemon added to the universe, most of which I have never seen before the game has both a new element of discovering all the new creatures, but it also added a sense that I miss the games of old.  I remember being about six or seven years old getting into arguments with friends while we debated who would win in a battle as many young fanboys do often.  This feeling is gone now mainly due to the fact that more than a decade has past since those days, but it is also because I have no idea whats going on anymore.


 Maybe This Is Too Much…

I very much enjoy all the added features of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl and it adds a whole new addition to the longevity.  Online trading and battles are done very well and you can trade your Pokemon in an almost eBay like fashion.  My only negative view of Pokemon as a kid was finding other people to trade with and going through the hassle of going through the linking Game Boy ordeal.  This problem is easily solved and done in a simple managable manner.  Simply place a Pokemon up for offer and choose what you want in exchange for it or you can search through a list of Pokemon to trade for.

This really is going nowhere and I just thought I would blog because I am very bored and would like to continue the madness related to my Pokemon craze.  Listen to the Up Down Left Right podcast (plugs!) and Brendan totally needs to man up and admit he likes Pokemon.

Newest episode of the Up Down Left Right podcast is available on iTunes.
This Week:
-Adam and Brendan discuss their adventures while attending the Penny Arcade Expo
-Hands on impressions of Fallout 3, Gears of War 2, and Left 4 Dead
-Darren gives his take on the latest Warhammer MMO beta
-Frank calls out a podcast troll