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games as art vol 1

Interpretation of the ending of Shadow of the Collosus from TBW4ever: 
I was not expecting the resurrection of Lord Dormin. I had definitely noticed Wander's changing complexion over the course of the game as the shadow tendrils consumed him but I would not have guessed that they were fragments of Dormin. Personally I was kind of expecting the price Wander would have to pay would be becoming a colossus himself and that the shadowy figures were the spirits of those who had become colossi before him in exchange for a gift from Dormin.

Not sure where I stand on this, on the one hand it's certainly interesting as far as the prequel to Ico theories go (which I need to play at some point) but I think that Wander becoming an actual Colossus himself and guarding Mono for the rest of her days would have fit more with the game's theme of you becoming the monster yourself instead of a temporary possession by Dormin