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Brettguy's forum posts

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@brettguy said:
@sweep said:

@brettguy said:

Are you an RPG? cause I could grind on you all day and night

That was terrible...

I like that you made an account specifically to post that.

Well I was bored of school. And life. And IGN. I was planning to make one soon anyways, so why not?

The reason why not is that this thread had been long dead, and you're not really supposed to comment on threads like that. It's called "necro-ing," and it's frowned upon around here unless it's a very, VERY good reason for doing so. This was not that.

I mean, for commenting here specifically. Feel free to use the forums, just give the Forum Rules a glance.

"In the land of the free

and the home of the brave."

Oops who left that there?

Listen. I don't really care if I'm frowned upon or not. Heck, I'll probably never use this account again. Not just because of people like you, but just cause it bores me. And anyways, I'm not gonna not comment on something I want to comment on because the discussion is old. That's the problem with moderators. They think they can play God with other peoples accounts. I don't care if you are God. Nothing is stopping me. I've got other websites to go to. the aforementioned IGN for example. Terminating my account or deleting my comment or whatever your gonna do after this comment wont hurt my feelings. Sorry to burst you bubble.

Anyway, how was I to know that the topic was "dead"? If there was comment saying so, it got by me. I'm tired of people like you who are just perfect expecting everyone to read minds and just know when a thread is dead. I haven't had a good day, but deleting this account or comment wont make it better or worse. Actually, it would make it better to know that your butthurt or someone whose got nothing better to do. So go ahead. Make my day.

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@sweep said:

@brettguy said:

Are you an RPG? cause I could grind on you all day and night

That was terrible...

I like that you made an account specifically to post that.

Well I was bored of school. And life. And IGN. I was planning to make one soon anyways, so why not?

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Are you an RPG? cause I could grind on you all day and night

That was terrible...