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My All-Time Favorites

NOTICE: These are my all-time favorite games. The criteria is simple: how much fun I had playing the game, how obsessed I was with the game, and how many times I've replayed the game. None of this is based on the quality of the game as a whole, just my experience with it. So don't get upset because Halo isn't on the list. 
My all-time favorite games, in order from best to least best, are...

List items

  • <b>Platform:</b> <U>Playstation 2</u><BR>

    <b>Metacritic Score:</b> <U>87</u><BR>

    <b>Personal Notes:</b> I've played this game from start to finish five times. If it wasn't for the glitches on the 360 version, I'd own that also.

  • <b>Platform:</b> <U>Xbox</u><BR>

    <b>Metacritic Score:</b> <U>83</u><BR>

    <b>Personal Notes:</b> I have the maps for this game tacked to the wall above my bed.

  • <b>Platform:</b> <U>Playstation 2</u><BR>

    <b>Metacritic Score:</b> <U>83</u><BR>

    <b>Personal Notes:</b> I've beaten this game eight times.

  • <b>Platform:</b> <U>Xbox 360</u><BR>

    <b>Metacritic Score:</b> <U>93</u><BR>

    <b>Personal Notes:</b> I played through the main quest twice in a single month... I will, eventually, complete every achievement for this game.

  • <b>Platform:</b> <U>Playstation 2</u><BR>

    <b>Metacritic Score:</b> <U>95</u><BR>

    <b>Personal Notes:</b>

  • <b>Platform:</b> <U>Playstation 2</u> & <u>Wii</u><BR>

    <b>Metacritic Score:</b> <U>96</u><BR>

    <b>Personal Notes:</b> I've beaten it twice. My girlfriend has beaten it once. I've also unlocked all of the Infinite Ammo weapons. Finally, I own this game on the PS2 and the Wii.

  • <b>Platform:</b> <U>Playstation 2</u><BR>

    <b>Metacritic Score:</b> <U>93</u><BR>

    <b>Personal Notes:</b>

  • <b>Platform:</b> <U>Playstation 2</u><BR>

    <b>Metacritic Score:</b> <U>88</u><BR>

    <b>Personal Notes:</b> This game plays so smoothly. I've played every Fight Night since Round 2, but the gameplay has never felt as fluid. The experience of a fifteen round war with a heavyweight as a featherweight is remarkable. Also, I hate stick flicking, and the button controls in this game are perfect.

  • <b>Platform:</b> <U>Playstation 2</u><BR>

    <b>Metacritic Score:</b> <U>88</u><BR>

    <b>Personal Notes:</b> I don't even watch football. I've played through Superstar Mode once on its own, and I bought NCAA 06 just to create a college player that I'm currently taking through Superstar Mode. I also have my own Franchise team where a recreation of my first Superstar plays as QB.

  • <b>Platform:</b> <U>Genesis</u><BR>

    <b>Metacritic Score:</b> <U>N/A</u><BR>

    <b>Personal Notes:</b> I used to sit at the Genesis after school, turn on The Don & Mike Show, and play this game for four hours straight. I did this for the final two years of Middle School. I also bought the Genesis Collection on PS2 for this game. (Even though I still own the Genesis and the Genesis version.) Also, I've never beaten this game without using a Game Genie.

  • <b>Platform:</b> <U>Playstation 2</u><BR>

    <b>Metacritic Score:</b> <U>85</U><BR>

    <b>Personal Notes:</b>


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Edited By EpicSteve

Is there a reason for Madden 06 specifically? Or is it just the Madden you got into?

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Edited By BrokenCage
Just the Madden I got into.