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I got today's (#411) on the first image, but stupidly thought the title was two words, and only Googled it on the third guess to clarify...

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This sounds like depression. I get this on-and-off, and I don't even have to have finished a game. Do something different for a bit, maybe go for a walk in nature. Get more sleep and drink more water. When you feel the time is right, boot it up - don't wait for your brain to say "Now is the absolute correct moment because I am hyped". If you're being treatd for depression, hype will be a fleeting and infrequent thing.

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#3  Edited By Broshmosh

I thought nearly everything I played on the school microcomputers was bad. My teacher was like "It's important history though, right?" and to this day I'm certain he really wanted me to find something to like about these things since he clearly liked them a lot.

I had better games available on my Gameboy.

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It's my hands for me. Playing guitar in my teens, taking some falls onto my palms on rollerblades in early 20s, working in a pizza shop for 2 years, has all had a profound effect on my tendons. Now I can't use right triggers, and moving thumbsticks can often be sore. Mouse and keyboard gaming is a relic of my past. Not stopping me though.

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#5  Edited By Broshmosh

Hey OP, I don't know if you're still uncertain about this, but I can confirm that an HDMI switcher where one monitor connects to the box, then a cable each goes from your home PC to the box, and the work PC to the box, will work as you planned.

This is the set-up I have for my PC and docked Switch. Normally my main monitor is set to PC, but when I want to play Switch docked I press the button on the HDMI switcher and my PC goes to only the secondary monitor, while the Switch displays on the main monitor. Press the button again to go back to PC input.

The monitor HDMI switcher doesn't care about peripherals, so you will effectively need a mouse and keyboard plugged in to both computers at the same time if you intend to use both congruently during the day.

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#7  Edited By Broshmosh

It's nice to be back in my old position of not having enough money or time to keep up with releases. During lockdown I almost caught up in a way and it felt kinda weird.

I'm marginally interested in FF16, it does seem like it will be a good game to at least watch happen whilst I pretend to be affecting it (I lose the thread quickly in games that fast), though I'm still not sold on the insular world-building. I don't have the money or space for a PS5 though so that's out the window for at least a few years.

TotK is at least in my wheelhouse, but I'm still burnt out on open world games and I never got the itch for Breath of the Wild like many did. Glad people are enjoying it though.

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#8  Edited By Broshmosh

Is there room here to mention the Benjamin Feltes discussion? I love Jenkees' music, been a fan for a long time since Before The Echo had its original name. I even own a lot of his music, and play it frequently. Disorganised Fun is good, but not my favourite - it's lacking a bit of oomph the other releases have. Throwing Fire is my favourite track, it's the one that got me properly into this artist. I find it works better as background music rather than something to focus on, which is funny since my introduction to the artist was a rythm game that mainly featured Jenkees tracks.

That said, every time I listen now, I'm plagued with the awareness that Feltes uses an alter ego that, judging by the self-titled album's imagery and the "hello youtubes" introductions to videos, is supposedly someone with learning difficulties. Is that my read on the portrayal influencing my opinion? Possibly. The fact that it's a potential read that Feltes is using "Anyone can create anything" as a hook to sell music is... a little iffy; As if the music wasn't good enough to stand on its own, so he had to make it seem like he was starting on the back-foot in terms of personal background. I think it's a me problem, but I spent a long time denying that this was even a possibility when it's probably true. Could this be taking the spotlight away from someone who actually comes from that background and makes music? Maybe, I don't know; RJ is still pretty niche after all.

I'm reminded of the Very Online Show about internet sluething every time I put the case forward to someone, so, you know, take this all with a massive pinch of salt. There's far worse in the media industry, and ultimately Jenkees inspires much more creativity and positivity than many artists, so it's a swings and roundabouts sort of thing.

If you liked the grittier sounds on Disorganised Fun, I recommend Alpha Numeric next. If you enjoyed the RnB stylings, check out Rhodes Deep next.

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#9  Edited By Broshmosh

At this point it's vaporware and not much will convince me otherwise. That said, Duke Nukem Forever *did* come out, so there's precedence...

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Cheese, mayo, wholegrain mustard, sometimes (rarely) ketchup. Also partial to lettuce, and have previously gone out of my way to put pickles on a burger.