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Voice commanding ARMA 2 Bot AI, while making a sandwich in the kitchen!!

... so, earlier today, I was voice commanding ARMA 2 Bot AI, while making a sandwich in the kitchen!!

Surprisingly enough, they all survived! Even the trigger happy medic(?!) made it. My cheap headset headphone has apparently a pretty good microphone.

That's kinda worth writing a 'blog'-post about, I guess?! (My Twitter is a DMZ = 'gaming-free').

You can use GlovePIE (Freeware) and this script*, to start with. Of course, you can modify the motherf***ing shit out of this motherf***ing script, to your motherf***ing liking, so it can sound like Jeff & Ryan in a motherf***ing glorious Quick Look from the past:

Arma 2: Army of the Czech Republic DLC - they all speak Czech and no captions, while I am their commander - that's why Arma 2 is a hardcore game, right?
Arma 2: Army of the Czech Republic DLC - they all speak Czech and no captions, while I am their commander - that's why Arma 2 is a hardcore game, right?

*) script: just copy-paste this into a blank txt-file, save it and change the txt-file extension into .pie. Example arma2voice.txt -> arma2voice.PIE

Start GlovePIE. Choose the PIE-script you just made. Click "Run". Start Arma 2. In the game level, start the voice command software by saying "enable voice commands" or "listen" ... done. No additional voice recognition software needed. GlovePIE runs on every Windows version since NT.

Googlebing "Arma 2 voice command script by Suchy" for a default template of the voice script. You can just straight up use it or edit by your liking.

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