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Things I learned over the weekend - Monday, 8 November 2010

Yes, I missed out on writing last week's entry. But I'm pretty sure I learned things then, just as a I did over the last couple of days. Stuff like...

I officially prefer Carlsberg over Beck's these days.

After mowing my front and back lawns on a warm Australian spring afternoon, I felt like I should have a beer or two as I fired up the Xbox. I had a couple of choices in Beck's and Carlsberg, and figured I'd have one of each. I used to be a real Beck's boy, only occasionally having a Carlsberg if it was offered (and more often than not having Peroni instead of either). I actually have no idea why the Carlsberg was in my fridge, but I'm glad it was. Just a really nice, refreshing and drinkable beer.

Vanquish Challenge Mode is breathtakingly badass.

 Eat hot pew pew death, you Russian robot menace, you!
 Eat hot pew pew death, you Russian robot menace, you!
I put my Fable III play on hold for a couple of hours to get all mecha-shooty with Vanquish. It hasn't escaped my attention that Platinum's sci-fi actioner is getting some good press recently, and the more I read the more I wanted to truncate my Fable III experience to get medieval on some robots. After playing the first Act, I decided to give the freshly unlocked Challenge Mode a go. Holy snap, does that get the adrenaline flowing! It's a pretty full-tilt assault, with relentless waves of mechanical enemies all very keen to end you. I was sitting fairly close to the screen so I felt right in it, and when I finally died I exhaled heavily and rocked back on the ottoman, mind and senses all skittish but sated from the experience. I'm hung over today, so tonight will probably see Fable III back in the disc tray, but I'm still keen to return to the frantic thrills that make Vanquish already seem like great value for money.

The Real Cancun uses Comic Sans for its end credits.

I came home drunk from a mate's birthday thing yesterday, and passed out on the couch. When I woke up this morning at around 2 in the AM I made myself some noodles, a large cup of weak lemon cordial and switched the telly on. After flicking around a bit, I saw the last couple of minutes of The Real Cancun before the credits rolled. I've never seen the actual film, but if its essence is represented by the font used in the end credits, I'm glad I was unconscious. I don't know if it's an ironic we-all-laugh-at- Comic-Sans decision or not, but either way it's a wince-inducing decision.