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#1  Edited By Caesius

Wow! holy shit dude, thanks for posting this. I've been itching for some CS again, and wasnt sure which was the best to go. But 15 for all three sounds awesome, im in.

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#2  Edited By Caesius

I'm so surprised only one person said Clive Barker's Undying. Now that game, lights off, face right up in the monitor, nice loud headphones, and a couple of pairs of new pants to go with all this.
Doom 3 with the right atmosphere was scary too. I had to keep the room behind me with the lights on the door open. With headphones on and when the lights go off in game and all you hear is the shuffling of a zombie.
I see a lot of condemned and honestly, I agree in some ways, but it's more of a jumping out type scary. I appreciate and I think this thread was based more on, the real scares. Scares that make your whole body cold and you get a jolt of a shiver throughout your whole body, and you're afraid to look anywhere else besides the exact spot you're looking at now cause you're afraid you might see something. When the mind starts to play tricks on you.
Fatal Frame definitely had that effect and I can't wait til number 2 comes in the mail. I have Silent Hill 2 but I haven't gotten around to it yet, same with system shock 2.
But for me, Fatal Frame, and Kuon for the PS2. I seriously could not be alone. And I'm 18, and nothing really scares me much. It's ridiculous how creepy some shit can get. I'm still waiting for that game that takes control of the power of the ps3/xbox360 and makes me crazy. This is really as real as it gets. There's so many different ways and innovative ways that have been done that could combine and make a seriously messed up game. It's about the story, and the sound. And this is the point in gaming where both are really getting to be top notch. Can't wait til someone mans up and shows us somethin:)