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I really do think that the reaction to Legion was mostly people being fed up with Ubisoft's bullshit. Ghost Recon Wildlands, The Division 2, Far Cry 5 and finally Watch Dogs Legion all had worlds and plots that heavily focused on ideas dealing with politics. Meanwhile Ubisoft kept talking out of both sides of their mouths. They wanted the drama and context of the worlds they were creating but also repeatedly taking every opportunity to say that they were creating games that were "not political".

I also want to say Watch Dogs Legion from announce to release was the window that all the Ubisoft working conditions were coming out in the news. Which made all the non-political comments so much shittier.

All this and then like you said, the game that came out was a mostly bland mostly cliched game that was fine at best. (Also its easy to dismiss this now, but Legion came out about a month before Cyberpunk which at the time was a much better looking and more promising game. Obviously that was wrong but was a factor at the time of Legions release.)

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A) Congrats this post is incredible.

B) Ive said this before and will say it everytime I think about the Amico. A device cannot cater to non-gamers as they do not buy games. I feel like everyone is chasing the success of the Wii and the audience of the Wii, but fail to realize those people will not buy anything else.

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This doesn't shock me honestly, although it is a shame. Obviously with Covid I get why something like this can't happen but i truly believe that there really does need to be an all encompassing video game show for people to go to in person. The biggest draw of e3 was everyone was in one place, devs, publishers, press etc. which cultivated relationships, deals etc. The ESA wanting E3 to become a public facing show, while being a reaction to dwindling attendance also created a shift in purpose. I really think its hard, any show that bring in the whole industry will inevitably draw interest from fans despite that being a problem.

Hopefully the keighley stuff is more organized and substantial than last year as I thought it was a mess.

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Honestly this year has been great, I get that some people have felt like this year hasn't had anything, but I have had a ton of great times playing games this year.

Next year off the top of my head is Horizon, Pokemon Legends, Luminous Avenger IX, Saints Row, Starfield, Ai The Somnium files sequel, Azure Striker Gunvolt 3, and potentially a few others.

I get people can like what they like and dislike what they don't but it always baffles me when people complain there aren't any games to play.

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A pokemon MMO would be more difficult than people think. Firstly you would need a new region, it would have to have 1 or 2 central cities and offshoots that are smaller. The region would have to be big enough to accommodate big groups. Secondly I'm not sure how but keeping it turn-based would be weird for everyone not in the battle. Third the leveling curve would be tricky. Either leveling up would be slow, or the end game would be level 60 or so as it usually is but future expansions wouldn't have room to grow assuming the max is lvl 100. Lastly, and this could be dealt with in theory but as it stands right now. There isn't enough to do in the Pokemon games to facilitate an MMO. There's no crafting, cooking etc and while the rpgs are fine without em, an MMO would get real stale real fast.

People always say they want a Pokemon MMO but never really know what they want.

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@xolotl: that's possible, I was probably misremembering from the Friday stream when he talked about it.

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#7  Edited By camitalo

@jerame2999: I don't have a ton of experience but I looked at Ducky boards aswell. They look pretty good.

If you haven't used a mechanical keyboard before I recommend a tactile switch (Cherry MX Browns), its what Backalar uses (I think he said he uses Kailhs(different brand essentially), but still a tactile switch), its what he suggested for Jeff, and I'm not sure if he is still using it but Rories G710+, which I had before switching. They are a good middle between the linear and clicky switches.

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I'm excited for what's to come, don't get me wrong I was extremely bummed out when I heard the guys were leaving, but there's still a bunch of awesome people here.

I'm also not surprised that the site has been quiet, not only did they lose half their cast, they losta producer but also lost half their staff, everyone has off camera stuff they do Day to day, and losing 3 people is a lot. Hiring takes time to do right and all this is going on during planning and prep for e3 which has been incredibly short notice and slapdash this year (e3 and Summergamesfest not GB coverage of these things).

Ryan passed, Patrick left, Austin left, Drew left, Dan left, Abby left and Ben left, and the guys always managed to a) pull through and continue on and b) managed to hire and introduce new awesome people.

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@jerame2999: if you don't have experience with small keyboards I suggest going with a 65% over a 60. The dedicated arrow keys are nicer to have and still save space over a full sized (or even 75%)

As someone who dipped their toe into that world about 8 months ago, I agree, it's a side that isn't super represented in games coverage alot and is super interesting

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