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New Pet


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I just got myself a Pacman frog for Christmas. Well, it's a exchange present from a friend. Curious on what the fuck is a Pacman frog and all you can come up in your head is WAKA WAKA WAKA pacman? Your not alone, the first time I heard of them, that is what I thought too, but over a year of watching video's on youtube of them demolishing prey and the chance encounter at PetSupplies I got it in my head "IT SHALL BE MINE" and it took about two months or so but I finally got the little bugger! 

 Moss sucks.
 Moss sucks.

  Looks like a white background O.O but it's the steel counter top of my kitchen table. XP But I'm debating on names, I may got with Monty.. i'm unsure, but I'll cool my breaks until I know for sure he's a healthy little bugger. (most pet places I'm leery about animals with) He's quite small, but don't let him fool you, he has teeth, two of them, tiny fangs ont he lower jaw, and this species of frog is known to eat animals as large as mice.

 Tiny beb.
 Tiny beb.

Right now he looks unimposing and cute and hopefully he'll (or she'll) will eat like a hog and want mice from me to bump up  the calcium in it's little bones. I'm smitten but cautious, I've had many animals from pet stores die within a week of ownership. (everything is fine.. then BAM dead..) I'm no novice, I do my research, but this is a new petstore i'm buying (getting his prezzy) from, so, here's hoping.

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He was really dry when I got him and Moss was stinky and gross, so I pitched it, got him in some nice moist Eco earth (he's currently in my toads old tank) and I'm adding some grass to provide more security or possibly just a plastic plant this weekend. But anyway.. that's it. XD