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Second Playthrough of 999 *spoilers*


 I like you a little more now.
 I like you a little more now.

Alright, so I made it through a second time, the first time with ending three, now I have ending six. I'm soooo confused...
So I did get to know Seven and Lotus better, about her have two children and he being a cop and having met one of her kids, it was a nice little bonding experience, honestly I never liked Lotus much but now I've come to understand a little more about her and why she is tot he point and rather cut throat about it, she has kids to get back too and no one was going to stop her.
The only issue I had was the room before the torture room, and now I still feel a bit guilty for using a faq to figure it out..*feels dumb* but the torture chamber/room I kinda...guessed? The game showed me a bunch of buttons and I kinda guessed the code within a few tries before I used the water, even then I STILL didn't see the shark until I got really close tot he screen XD
Once I did see the bodies of Santa, Ace and Clover I pegged it immediately on June.. she was the only one left obviously, until I saw her all knifed int he back and dying.. I hated to ruin the touching moment but I was screaming at the screen "WHO DID THIS TO YOU TELL ME NOW! NO! I DON'T CARE ABOUT OTHER ST---..shes dead..crap" XD I knew I was fucked then, I didn't even need to see Lotus and Seven dead I KNEW i was fucked after that..
And I was.. I was killed.. stabbed in the back by a yellow sub.. I  had wished some part of me wanted to get int he damn thing and get away.. but.. JUNPEI WAITED TO LONG...ah well... now i'm left to wonder who the fuck killed me...
If everyone is dead (captain included) who the fuck was it? Was someone playing dead or did Zero get miffed and cut us down?
I admit I was less surprised by this ending than the first .. but I still felt sad.