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Backlog Bash 2020

Hello you who have stumbled upon this here blog of mine, and welcome to 2020! You may be familiar with the concept of backlog - an ever-growing gaggle of games that you've started and then put aside with the intention of returning to complete them at some undisclosed moment in time. Like teeny tiny ghosts they haunt the empty spaces between games finished and games yet to be played.

I have developed a bad habit of dropping off of games for no particular reason, and for a while now it has slowly started bugging me, because I used to be someone who was very good at seeing the experience to its conclusion. So with the steely resolve only the beginning of a new year can inspire, I've set about to clear my backlog of the biggest titles still hanging about in my BL. Look forward to me updating this blog as I start slicing my way through games as the year goes on. Let's see how far I get!

Next up ....God of War (2018)

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